SarahSpasmodic Member


  • My cat Scoogie plays fetch. My dad had a bad back and couldn't move around much so she learned to bring her toys back so they could keep playing. And because I mentioned her I'm going to post another photo. :] This Scoogie enjoying some cheese cake on her birthday. We make some every year!
  • I used to have a cat with one eye also! Her name was Gallie and I loved her sooo much. I was devastated when we found out she had leukemia and we had to put her down. Some people thought she was gross or ugly because of her eye but we loved her so much and thought she was just as pretty as ever. EDIT: I have a few photos.…
  • My mom really like the Skinny Girl Cosmos they're a little lower in calories than other drinks. I've tried the Mikes Light Lemonade and it just doesn't cut it for me, so I still drink my Smirnoff Ice on the weekends and just try to work around it. I'm still losing weight despite it. When my friends come home I drink hard…
  • I LOVE this thread! This is Scoogie Jo, she will be 10 in September. She is my baby. And this is Simba Michael. Technically he's my best friends cat but she joined the military so he lives with me now. I am the only person in this house he likes except for Scoogie. (Who hates him. Lol.)
  • I LOVE my gym. I was doing pretty good when I first started dieting but around Easter time I started to slack off a bit. My gym opened in June and it's been so great for me. I started out slow on the treadmills and now I'm doing a total body workout. I just pop my headphones on and tune everything else out. But so far the…
  • Okay, so apparently I'm super challenged with posting pictures. I started in January at 290 pounds and I'm floating between 250-245 now. (My tracker thingy is off a bit because I lost weight before joining here.)