Leesha97 Member


  • Am I too late to join this challenge? I can post the miles I've done so far this month: 9.1.2014 - 20.9 9.3.2014 - 23.39 9.4.2014 - 20.92 9.5.2014 - 19.68 9.6.2014 - 24.45 9.8.2014 - 21.43 9.9.2014 - 20.97 9.10.2014 - 23.58 9.12.2014 - 20.83 9.14.2014 - 20.73 9.15-2014 - 20.25 9.17.2014 - 22.25 today - 25.07 (at a personal…
  • It's way off for my bike rides too. I always manually correct it for my calorie counts.
  • I don't think it's a HIGH like a drug high, it's just a feeling of well-being, a tremendous sense of feeling stronger (like you could keep going all day if you needed to), and a little euphoria. I get them running (except intervals - I never get them with intervals), and I get them on my bike too. The best "high" I get…
  • From my experience, if your goal is too thin, your body will naturally sort fight back. I think my goal is about five pounds too light to be realistic, because when I got close, I started overeating for no apparent reason. It almost felt out of control. Once I got up to a weight I felt was too heavy but my body apparently…
  • I know you said you don't want to do weights, but there is no better plateau buster than upping your weight training. Every time I up the weights I lose. I've busted through a few plateaus that way. Just a suggestion. Crunches are fine, but you're not building much muscle that way. More lean muscle burns more calories.
  • I don't crave bread anymore. I switched to this flax lavash stuff a few months ago and I use it in place of regular bread and I don't even miss bread. And I work in a bakery! The lavash leaves me feeling so full, I wish I would have known about it years ago.
  • Congrats!!! 14 pounds is a huge accomplishment. I would just caution you not to expect that level of weight loss on a regular basis. When we radically change our eating habits, most of what we burn off is glycogen (and water) weight that our body stores as a quick energy source. Once those glycogen stores are burned, then…
  • I learned to eat a bigger breakfast. I thought I was saving my calories for later, but all that made me do was starve myself all day so I could eat 500+ calories dinners. I switched it up, eat a bigger breakfast, and am less hungry throughout the day. And I don't need a big dinner. Also, and this is just for me, but full…
  • My face didn't thin out until I was under about 28% body fat. I think, as the previous poster pointed out, it depends on what your face type is naturally.
  • Over the past two years, I've done a variety of things. Crash dieting (not sustainable), tracking religiously, and completely falling off the wagon. I've never, ever stopped exercising daily. Somehow, over the course of that roller coaster, I've settled on a mostly plant based, reasonable diet and do NOT beat myself up too…
  • It's period water gain, no worries. Mine comes right back off about three days into my period. I've retrained my brain to know I'll only really lose weight during the two weeks after my period, the other week and a half I just try my hardest not to binge and if I do overeat, to make sure it's all clean, healthy food and…