2 weeks in and wanted to air my progress

Hey I'm 22 and beginning of march I decided I want to change my life I'm a long way off where I want to be but I've lost 14lbs so far so I'm dead chuffed with that!!
I swim twice and week and attend many gym classes aqua aerobics spinning and Zumba. My holiday is in September and I'd love to be at a really happy place by then!!

How long has it taken you to get to your goals?
I don't know what my goal is to be honest just so I can be happy about myself for once (:

I'd love to hear your stories and be your friends? The more support the better I think as some days I really could do with a helping hand!


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss and movtivation...

    But don't set a timeline on your weight loss and don't compare youself to others...

    I have been at this since January 6th 2013...lost a lot of weight prior to joining MFP in June...at that point I was 178lbs...I am now about 160 (I am probably 159 but don't weigh in until monday).

    So in 8months 16lbs..with ups and downs along the way...

    I started June 17th with a group here doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day shred...I did that everyday...only missed 3 out of 30 (my son flipped his car, I helped lay sod around my sisters pool and one day at the cottage) I lost 3.5lbs and 9 inches and 3% Bf in 33 days.

    Found out I wasn't losing as quickly as I could because I wasn't weighing my food so therefore wasn't logging accurately.

    Bought a scale started logging accurately and did another round of 30DS, Dropped another 4 inches, 1% BF, and 4.5lbs...

    I figured out my TDEE and started lifting weights on September 9th.

    Since September 9th I have averaged 1700 calories a day (some weekends I ate at maintenance for special occassions) but even with that and holidays and birthdays and christmas I have lost 10 1/4lbs gross, gained a bit over holidays. I have gone down another 5% bf, another 5.5 inches...

    I even went on vacation in Feb and couldn't log and gained 4lbs which is gone.

    I am about to hit 30 weeks of lifting...still loving it.

    I am about 4-5lbs from goal planning for maintenance over the summer, continue lifiting weights, swimming, biking, walking, gardening and enjoying all of it.

    In the fall if I am not at the BF% I have set as a goal (20-22%) I am going back to a deficet until I reach that goal...

    I am 41 years old...I am a mom, wife, have a job and a busy life...I am the smallest I have ever been (size 5/6 jeans) but weigh well...a fair bit for that size...I even had my prom dress on from 1990 prior to vacation and it fit like a glove and I weighed 135lbs when I graduated...

    I can't say it's been easy the entire time...I have learned a lot to make it easier and more sustainable and to me that is the key...

    Good luck with your goals.
  • Leesha97
    Leesha97 Posts: 11 Member
    Congrats!!! 14 pounds is a huge accomplishment. I would just caution you not to expect that level of weight loss on a regular basis. When we radically change our eating habits, most of what we burn off is glycogen (and water) weight that our body stores as a quick energy source. Once those glycogen stores are burned, then the real work begins, because it gets hard only seeing a 1 or 2 pounds a week weight loss. But that's what we should be losing realistically.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Congratulations on working toward being healthy.

    I would like to caution you on eating such low calories at your age. Your average daily net calories for last week was 602 net calories per day. That is assuming your exercise calorie burns are correct. That is really low and makes it very hard to meet your nutritional requirements. That also explains why you lost so much in the first two weeks.

    Find an on line TDEE calculator and figure out what calories you should be eating. Then eat at a healthy deficit from that number. This is a great link to get your started.

  • KillaKermie
    KillaKermie Posts: 8 Member
    Yeah I mean I completely understand that I was shocked with what I have lost I have measured myself for my before so I can see through inches where I've lost!!!
    I don't expect myself to be where I want to be when I go away but it would be good to be really making bistable progress!!!
    I'm dreading only losing 1lb ):
    I do only weigh myself once a week and Wednesdays are that day but it is so tempting to weigh all the time!!!
    My calorie target was 1400 but it's dropped to 1350 with my loss!
    I hope that with all the exercise I'm doing I can shed more! I've set myself some hard targets because I really wanna push myself!
    I brought some gym wear that was a dress size down lag Sunday and I tried them on and they didn't for (as expected) but got them on for my spinnin class on Thursday!!
    My mum has been my support for me!
    I also drag my boyfriend swimming with me and he is super supportive! I just want this so bad it's so disheartening when nothing comes off I dred it x
  • KillaKermie
    KillaKermie Posts: 8 Member
    I don't know whether they're true so I just eat my allowance and don't eat back my burn off!! Don't get me wrong I'm never hungry I always eat if I'm hungry!
    I'm drinking like 3 litres of water a day and I go gym all the time (:
    I'm trying to find my footing on what to eat and when as such
    On days where I work I don't have breakfast because I have a heavier lunch but I take a banana to eat instead :-)
    I've upped my fruit and veg take in and I'm feeling a lot better in myself for it
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I don't know whether they're true so I just eat my allowance and don't eat back my burn off!! Don't get me wrong I'm never hungry I always eat if I'm hungry!
    I'm drinking like 3 litres of water a day and I go gym all the time (:
    I'm trying to find my footing on what to eat and when as such
    On days where I work I don't have breakfast because I have a heavier lunch but I take a banana to eat instead :-)
    I've upped my fruit and veg take in and I'm feeling a lot better in myself for it

    Hunger is not the best indicator of what the body needs...trust me on that.

    Eat your exercise calories back or you wont fuel your next workout and you will suffer for it...weak, lethargic, no energy, tired, hair will fall out...seriously

    I ate 1195 on sunday and it took me until Wednesday to feel "better"...
  • KillaKermie
    KillaKermie Posts: 8 Member
    Oh gawd!!! I've not felt like that! I will try to (: I think I just even it out as I don't always know how much I'm eating!!!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Oh gawd!!! I've not felt like that! I will try to (: I think I just even it out as I don't always know how much I'm eating!!!

    get a food scale...that is the only way to know for sure.

    that is why here if you use MFP method you eat back 50-75% of your exercise calories...being too low isn't healthy.

    And don't think you have to eat just "healthy" foods...if you have calories left and you want to eat a treat do it...if you want to eat out make it fit...either by doing more exercise or eating lower cal foods before and/or after..