Mindarin Member


  • *shrugs* Hips are forty. But I'm not aware of a health standard for hips so I didn't put it down. I know how much she weighs because we play sports and got physicals at the same time. But fair enough. :) I'm planning to lose ten more pounds anyway. Def. wouldn't hurt. :D.
  • So what would you say to someone whose measurements are healthy, (a woman with a waist under 30 etc...) but whose BMI is 26? Technically, I'm overweight, but I look a lot better than some of my friends who have a normal BMI...
  • oops...double post. srry. :P
  • I'm 5 8, and a...top heavy pear? I'm not quite balanced enough to be an hour glass. :) CW: 175 GW: 160 I'll be a size 10 at that weight, and I've got lots of muscle, so, happy medium. :)
  • I've never tried Quinoa, but several people have mentioned it, so that's something I'll try. :) And the whole grain breads too... Thanks all ya'll. :)
  • Ice cream, milkshakes, gummi bears. I sound like a giant second grader. :P lol. and I just refuse to buy milkshakes and candy for myself. The ice cream...I hide in the back of the freezer under everything else. If I can't see it, I don't think about it. And if I know I have to dig it out of there, I'm less likely to go to…
  • What I'm looking for is food that doesn't leave me feeling gross, like the carbs in potato chips and cookies and such. :) And no...I'm not diabetic, but I've found that when I eat much sugar, I don't feel well, so...I just try not to. I could probably eat more if I needed to. So basically what you're saying is, just suck…
  • :noway: :laugh: I think you forgot about the sugar limit... Seriously, any healthy carb ideas?
  • Exactly! However, keep in mind that MFP DOES tend to overestimate calories burned during exercise. So, I only put in half of my exercises and eat all of those calories back.
  • Who in the world is sending you bad carvings around TOM? Did you sign up for them? And why would you want to eat a carving? I don't think wood tastes very good...on the other hand, it's prolly low carb... ;)
  • I love your username. :) Add me! :D
  • I run my neighborhood and don't go the gym on Mondays. You're welcome. :D (Maybe you could learn how to wait your turn on Monday nights? ;) )
  • I know it's hard. Some days it is downright MISERABLE feeling like nothing will ever change. But the time is going to pass anyway, the question is whether you're going to use the time well, and someday actually REACH the goal you want, or whether you're going to let the absence of a "quick fix" throw you into helplessness.…
  • To myself when I'm tempted to eat WAAAY too much...or do things that I know are unhealthy. "I love Jesus more. Do I want His Spirit in a sick, falling apart temple?"
  • *grin* Yeah, I know there's a lot of sodium, but...isn't that what gives it the taste? Is low sodium as good? By all means though, tweak it to suit your needs! Brown rice is a good idea...I'll try that next time. (Just happened to have white rice on hand today. :D)
  • 1/2 TBSP butter 1 small onion 1 clove garlic 1/2 cup cooked white rice 1tbsp soy sauce. Fry up the butter, onion, and garlic, and then add the white rice and soy sauce. Then scramble an egg in the microwave and throw it in with the rice. It's YUMMY, you have carbs and complete protein, and it's only like 235 cal so you…
  • melt colby jack cheese and then put in a tiny bit of cooked (seasoned if you like) ground beef. It's like eating a cheeseburger w/ out the monstrous health consequences. :)
  • I'm not really sure. I didn't keep track of anything at all...some days I wouldn't eat anything at all, or I'd refuse to take more than two bites of anything. And then others I'd eat ice cream by the half-gallon. :P And then one day I ate a whole bag of apples... Basically, completely unbalanced, and in the wierdest…
  • Dude, AWESOME job...keep it up. :)
  • I haven't tried the Levi's sizing thing...I'm a cheapskate and like getting clothes at thrift stores and clearance racks, but for a really good, pair of jeans it might be worth it. *grimace* Belts... :P
  • See the problem is, that if I go up a size, the waist is too big. :( Are skinny jeans even a possibility?
  • It hasn't worked perfectly for me, in that, it has underestimated the amount of food I can eat. I stick to the calories my fitnesspal gives me, then I lose two pounds every other week, instead of just one pound every week that I have it set to. But I'm not complaining. XD MFP is wonderful. :D
  • I started out at 207and I'm under 180 now and I'm still big. When people try to flatter me, about not "looking that big" I just know they're trying to get something. ;) I've lost it by not eating everything I want, and pounding my body into submission where it belongs through exercise. With a healthy dose of God's help I…
  • I HATE Edy's fat free ice cream. It's tasteless, and goopy, and melts really quickly. The biggest waste of calories ever. When I want a dessert, I will indulge myself, thank you very much, and none of this loopy, fat-free nonsense. Also, cauliflower is nasty. Who in the world decided it would be a good idea to breed albino…
  • For me, exercise helps me get better more quickly. The physical activity has been shown to boost your immune system and your metabolism. Plus, for some reason, when I start breathing harder, my sinuses get a little less stuffed up. That's just me though. If you're absolutely stir-crazy, you're probably not as sick as you…
  • You know...it totally depends on her personality. When I was sixteen, I got shoved into the world of basketball, which is super competitive. But it woke me up. I am super competitive as well, but I was super overweight and just couldn't compete! That made me really angry, and I decided it was worth the pain, the sweat, and…
  • Hi, my name is Griselda Fitsgerald and I cannot live without food. ;) I am addicted to chocolate! Not the good for you kind...the milk chocolate kind, when it's frozen! Yummmm...
  • Ok, cool! :D I am a mesomorph too, so I'll def. try this. Thank you! *vows to say no to junk food even though it's really yummy* :)
  • LOL...I'm fat because for a long time, I didn't want to be skinny. I wished I was thinner, but not enough to change. I loved stuffing my face and sitting around more than a healthy body. Because of that, I destroyed my self-discipline. Now...I realize I can't continue my life in a pit of self-indulgence and I'm getting…
  • I don't understand though...WHY does it make me so hungry? It only takes about 20 minutes, and my heart rate doesn't go above 120 during...