Mindarin Member


  • I have only ever gained weight while breastfeeding. 😳 Apparently, that's how about 50% of women respond to the breastfeeding hormone prolactin. That said--after about six weeks, your supply will become less sensitive/more established, and you can treat it as an automatic 500 calories a day addition. Try setting your…
  • Man....if I wasn't a breakfast person I would intermittent fast. I know from experience that it gets me results, but it's just so miserable for me because I love breakfast!!! Haha. Love some of these suggestions you've been given! I'd also throw out there --chia pudding. Super good for your bowels and feels like you're…
  • I have definitely struggled a lot with body image (more in the past, but still some now), so I 100 percent get this, and if your body fat % isn't healthy, that's a totally fair thing to work on! I guess what I'm trying to say isn't, "Stop all attempts at self-improvement" as much as "give yourself a break as you continue…
  • Are you sure that you need to lose weight? Everyone's body has some sort of set point. I'm 5 8 and built similarly to you from what I can tell, and I am at my SANEST and overall healthiest when I'm about 175. Lowest I've been since highschool is 167 and that was a STRUGGLE to get there. I very strongly feel that if you're…
  • The 5-10 minutes of light cardio to warm up is SO essential for your muscles to get into "Ok, I'm working mode". As far as exercises, I would suggest the following five as essential. Weighted squats (with whichever dumbell you want to use. You hold it in the middle of your body as you go down into proper squat form),…
  • Dear morning workout people, I think you're awesomely hard-core amazing. And I hate you. >:) In all seriousness though, I really admire you for wanting to workout in the mornings. But are you a morning person? For me, I love the idea of early morning workouts, running along trails as the sun rises, at one with the…
  • If that's your lunch, it's not bad! It's yummy, fills you up, and depending on what you choose, CAN be healthy. Assuming all your meals are 600 calories, that's only 1800 cals a day. I lose weight at 2000! But, you ARE right that it's important not to underestimate. He probably had other things to eat too.
  • Intense ab workouts. 8 minute abs is GREAT. Also, there are apps and websites that allow you to build your own workout circuits (choosing different ab exercises). If you do them as fast as possible, all in a row, rest, and repeat, it ends up being great cardio into the bargain.
  • Just wanted to say thanks to all the guys who still do show respect w/out expecting anything in return. Carry on. I'll keep smiling and thanking you when you open doors for me. ;)
  • Actually, it has happened to me, and I just shrug my shoulders. Life is too short to worry about losers, and I figure the people I care about won't act like idiots. (Plus everyone on the internet is a faceless stranger. You can't take anything a faceless stranger says to much to heart. :D) Theoretically, everyone here is…
  • Except, y'know, sometimes the OP's are WRONG (i.e. need correction). In that case it's good to correct the error and it can HELP them by giving them information. We have freedom of speech. We don't have to shut up if we disagree. Or the OP may be trolling. And yeah, it's immature to be a jerk. But it's also immature to…
  • What is the pain like? Is it sharp, or feeling like something is WRONG/out of whack in your leg? Or is it just legit muscle soreness? If it's just muscle soreness, then try massage/rolling the pain out. And then run anyway. It hurts, but ya just gotta suck it up till it goes away. :(
  • Just want to point out-- shaming someone is taking something about a person that is harmless and/or beyond their control and then attacking them as people for it. Fat shaming DOES happen, however... Obesity is always unhealthy and dangerous, and if you are obese you need to make changes or face very scary consequences.…
  • Wow! My next goal is a Spartan Beast and they are miserable! Kudos to you guys on your efforts as well. :)
    in Race NSVs Comment by Mindarin June 2014
  • Thx for the food ideas! :D So is the idea to up protein levels as you up physical activity? Or is it just based on lean body mass?
  • The struggle is real! But good to know I'm not alone. :) And yes, I'm currently eating about 1900 including exercise calories. However, I weigh about 170 so I feel the 200 might not be SO off... How do yall add more protein into your diets BESIDES supplements?
  • Depending on how clean you want to eat, I love Morningstar vegetarian burgers, and Boca has a great vegan option with 17 g. of protein! :D Also, little greek yogurts are super delicious and you can fit a lot of them into a mini fridge. :)
  • That's definitely what I'm thinking, but I also trust MFP and Shawn T. :P Oh, the dilemma...
  • Actually, in my personal experience there IS some truth to this. Without gaining weight or changing diet, I started including ab work into my exercise. Results? I've gained two inches around my waist. So either I'm losing muscle and gaining fat at an alarming rate (which seems very unlikely) or it's the ab work that's…
  • Finally. :wink:
  • Add me too. I'm also starting today. I did the first month and then fell off the wagon. :P Here's to finishing it ALL. :) *high fives all round*
  • I do weigh and measure, but I eat a lot of foreign/generic food that doesn't exist on this database and doesn't have nutritional info. I'm set at maintenance (w/out eating exercise calories), so I think that in my case being a few hundred calories below won't hurt me as much as eating a few hundred over and not realizing…
  • Exactly. I know my track record with food. Thinking things like, "Oh, this ice cream is 150 a serving? I'm SURE this HUGE, HEAPING bowl of ice cream must be about 150 then." :P
  • I totally sympathize with you. I look in the mirror and don't feel THAT much different. And I'll go shopping, and my ability to size what clothing I'll fit into has just flown right out the window. But when I see myself in pictures, and on video it REALLY hits home, and when I look at old clothing that falls right off I…
  • Actually...I love getting asked if I play basketball, because then I get to brag. XD You have to lose a lot more weight for it to be noticeable than a shortie would. *shrugs* But I wouldn't change being tall for the world. LOVE it. :)
  • I really try not to eat at a place unless they have nutrition facts. I hate not knowing. BLECK. If I'm forced to, then I order something that is the equivalent of a meal I already know the calories for. Also, just ask them! Who cares if they look at you weird? You care about your health, and they probably don't, so they…
  • sounds like you have room in your diet for some Nutella. XD
  • Well...fast food? Fruit and yogurt parfait, a chicken wrap, McDonald's has oatmeal... But if I can't find anything healthy, I get a water and wait to be home. Being hungry for a while won't kill me. :) In a restaurant....whatever I jolly well please. I almost never go out like that, and when I do, the consequences the…