

  • Today is my 3rd day of level 2. Surprisingly it did not make me sore BUT I did think I was going to die on the 3rd circuit on the first two days. I actually skipped the last ab exercise so out of breath I was. On the first day I did it without weights to learn the moves properly and avoid injuries. Yesterday for most of it…
  • I don´t think you´re a baby, you´re doing quite a lot! How long have you been working out for? I used to think that good shape was about how much exercise you do, but it´s really about how often. When I started doing ballet twice a week in May, everyone told me that would not help me get back into shape. I believed them,…
  • Guys, Level 1 Day 10 was completed today! I am taking Sundays off so it´s taking me a little longer... But enduring. I can´t believe that now that I have stopped aching, I will have to go through the pain again tomorrow... Yikes!
  • One unhealthy day will not kill you. We are congratulating her because of her will power. Of course she will pack snacks next time! No one enjoys having a terrible starving day like that!
  • I totally understand you because it´s like that with my husband´s family too. They are all thin and they think there is no harm in eating sweets and all. If that was all, it would be fine, but they are always making comments on my weight... Which led to some disagreements in the past. I simply will not have them…
  • Thanks LorahJo. I saw the pictures and it´s amazing how much of a difference you can see in just 20 days! I hope to have similar improvements. Congrats!
  • Wow, that´s impressive! Well done!!!
  • I can´t seem to find that topic with the pictures... I didnt take a picture on the first day, I wish I had. Funny thing is that I already feel my abs and arms a little stronger in 4 days. Pretty amazing if you think of it... Only 20 minutes! I wonder if they look it though :/
  • I decided to give me Sundays as a day of rest. And it did me wonders. On Saturday night I was so sore it hurt to live. Today was day 4 (I started on Thursday) and I feel my resistance is better now and I even managed to do one set of proper push-ups (not modified). Still struggling with my weights... My husband gave my…
  • L1Day2 for me... How are y´all doing? You must be on L2 by now!:flowerforyou:
  • I am on L1D2 but I am not hurting anymore than usual. I have been taking beginner´s ballet classes twice a week since May last year. One thing you learn with ballet is to ache -- it always hurts the next day. But its so worth it! I love the music and it really makes me relax, sleep better and more patient with husband and…