Rebecca_87 Member


  • I don't know why those adds show a picture of a banana. I was curious once and clicked on one of them, and all they talked about was removing flour and processed foods from your diet. Last I checked a banana is neither one of those things. That said, bananas are fine, just high in sugar. But it's natural sugar and as long…
  • Don't always rely on the scale. Get body measurements too. I didn't lose weight in the last week, but I lost at least a quarter of an inch on multiple areas.
  • If you want chocolate as a treat, don't worry so much about how clean it is. It's a treat, and anything out of a wrapper is generally processed, therefore may not be "clean" by your definition. The higher the percentage is better, but not very tasty and isn't really something I'd call a treat. Though if you want it more…
  • Dried. You have more control over sodium intake that way.
  • Warm lemon water in the morning supposed to help your liver process and eliminate toxins, and also helps your colon. The secondary job of your liver is to aid in fat loss, so if you help it do it's first job it can go on to aid your weight loss. Of course you can drink all the lemon water you want and detox your liver as…
  • I live in NYC, it's supposed to be 97 today, real feel of 107. Puts a damper on my plans to go to the pet store. Depending on which one I go to it can be a 2-4 mile round trip walking. Not in this heat!
  • When I couldn't find a comfortable position to sleep in. On my stomach I felt like I was suffocating, on my sides my rolls made me uncomfortable. I don't remember about why I did not sleep on my back.
  • I weigh myself Sunday mornings before I've even had my morning cup of coffee. I attempt to take my body measurements at the same time.
  • I used it in the past but after getting tired of having to clean the toilet every time I used it because of the oil and worrying if I was going to have an accident or not I stopped using it. It works as a conditioner to stop eating really fatty foods, because the less fat you eat the less of the negative effects, but in…
  • The corn chips my father keeps buying. Almost every time I walk by them I take one or two.