JB6100 Member


  • I asked for more cooler/cold weather running gear (jackets, long sleeved tops, pants etc). Would love running shoes - but they are a bit pricey for a gift.
  • I haven't tried the DVD series, but really love their nutrition products! I tried the Prepare & Rebuild Endurance for my last 5k (a week ago) and felt really good before, during & after the race. Maybe placebo effect?? Hoping not & will plan on using them on the days I run once I get my order in. Good luck with the DVDs &…
  • I agree! Obviously overall health is the most important, but when I wasn't weighing myself everyday I got slack! Now if the numbers go up a little maybe I eat a little smaller serving of something or kick up my workout for the day. It definitely doesn't make or break my 'diet' because the true goal is a healthier me not a…
  • Baby Carrots Apples (generally red delicious) Tuna (80 cal packs) makes a great snack if you like tuna Also - PB2 - on low cal wraps with fruit (bananas, strawberries & blueberries) is awesome for brekkie
  • Right there with you! I finally saw 139 today...although I usually wait until I get the same weight twice in a week before I believe it :) I don't have any recommendations as I am still pretty new, but wanted to let you know there is someone out there with the same problem! I have upped my cardio this week (more days, but…
  • I have this line too! A few inches above my belly button. I hate it, but alas don't know what to do about it other than try to sit up straight more during the day. Hoping by the time I am ready to wear a bikini (maybe someday!) that it will be gone along with the fat :) GL!