24 Fit by Herbalife

Hello! I was wondering if anyone has tried the Herbalife 24 fit DVD's and if anyone has had any success with them? I ordered them and I am hoping it was worth my time!


  • OnyxPenguin82
    herbalife is the best! Are you also on their meal plans?
  • JB6100
    JB6100 Posts: 6 Member
    I haven't tried the DVD series, but really love their nutrition products! I tried the Prepare & Rebuild Endurance for my last 5k (a week ago) and felt really good before, during & after the race. Maybe placebo effect?? Hoping not & will plan on using them on the days I run once I get my order in.

    Good luck with the DVDs & let us know how it goes!
  • envy09
    envy09 Posts: 353 Member
    This has nothing to do with your question but I noticed your username. Would you happen to be from Oklahoma?
  • steph1014
    I have seen them and as a Herbalife distrubutor got to try one of the DVDs in a workshop for my fellow distrubutors in the area. I am definitely going to be getting my own DVDs soon. I don't have them at this moment since I am still working on another workout program. It kicked my tush royally! :)