LinzyB24 Member


  • has a WONDERFUL Parmesean Tilapia recipe that would also work with Flounder. I'm really super picky about my fish, and that recipe was a HUGE hit.
  • It's good to know that there are others in the same boat! I'm also on Metformin, and it makes me feel oh so awful almost every single day! I'm definitely going to lower the carbs. I'll try the 100 per day for a bit. I certainly don't think that it will hurt!
  • You all are giving me really great options! Thank you SO much!!
  • I tried the Luna Protein bar for the first time this morning. It might take some getting used to, but I liked it!
  • Well, I lost 10 pounds in 1.5 months, and I've gained 4 of it back in 2 weeks. I'm discouraged, disappointed, disgusted with myself and completely not motivated. I don't know what else to do. I can't do the 'lose 1 pound a week' thing anymore, so I think I'm going to try some kind of diet pill along with diet and exercise.…
  • I would recommend taking a Zumba class. It burns 500-700 calories an hour. Even if you only do it once a week, and use the treadmill the other 2 or 3 days, you can still tell a big difference. :smile:
  • My FAV is to grille a chicken breast and mix it with black beans and salsa. SO GOOD!
  • You all make me REALLY thankful that I found this web site. I really appreciate all of the encouraging words. It means more than you know. :happy:
  • I've not checked my inches, but maybe I should try that. I'm just a little worried that I'm going to give up, and it's only week 3 :-(
  • How is it that I weigh the same thing I did a week ago? I'm eating SO healthy, and I'm working out at least 3 times a week, so I don't really understand why I didn't even lose a single pound!! I only started this journey 3 weeks ago, and although I knew I would hit a brick wall, I didn't think it would be this soon! TALK…
  • Untouched by The Veronicas has become my new favorite, along with 2 Weeks by All That Remains and Mannequin by Britney Spears. Great motivation songs!!
  • My FAVORITE snack is an apple with 2 Tablespoons of peanut butter. Its has a lot of calories (285) but it keep me full until dinner. I eat celery with peanut butter sometimes too. I try not to have peanut butter too late in the day though. You can also try the Sugar Free Jell-O Pudding snacks if you want something…
  • I started dieting and exercising last week. I've worked out 3 days this week and I did Zumba last night. Needless to say, I'm working hard at reaching my weight loss goal. I've lost four pounds, but I think it's mainly because I cut out almost all Diet Coke (sad face.) I would LOVE to reach my goal in four months, but I…
    in How long? Comment by LinzyB24 March 2009
  • Thank you everyone for your help! I will most certainly be mixing it up now! :happy:
  • Awesome. I had thought of scrambled eggs, but people confuse me with the whole egg whites vs. yellow deal. Does it really matter?
  • I'm in a little bit of a predicament. I just started my weight loss plan last week and I am doing really good. However, I am SO sick of eating whole wheat bagels and oatmeal. I really don't like either food, but everyone keeps telling me those are the best things to eat! I don't know what else I can eat! HELP! I have been…