

  • Just because it sets the upper limit of 44 doesn't mean you have to fill it. :-)
  • Have exactly the same problem as you. Its almost on the brink of a phobia... it sucks doesnt it. Sorry I don't have much useful advice but i am going to keep tabs on this message board because I would love a solution too. I guess what i do is juct make sure i eat the few fruit and vegetables that i actually eat as often as…
  • walking i def cardio and good for you. When i used to walk to work i lost tonnes of weight just because of that. However, if you are starting to find walking getting easier maybe it would be a good idea to introduce a few short runs, just to keep up the improovement of your fitness. But as long as you can feel your heart…
  • walking i def cardio and good for you. When i used to walk to work i lost tonnes of weight just because of that. However, if you are starting to find walking getting easier maybe it would be a good idea to introduce a few short runs, just to keep up the improovement of your fitness. But as long as you can feel your heart…
  • Start by just going for walks.. try and keep the pace quick enough so you can feel your heart rate increase... after a while you can start introducing short bursts of running when you feel like it... over time add more of these little runs to your walk or make them longer... it you keep gradually increasing this then…