Wants to run, but can't :(

I started to try to run last week. Every time I do, I am so tired after 30 seconds. Anyone have any suggestions how I can do this and not be so tired.


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Start small, built up, I joined a gym in may, I coudlnt run just like you, I did some cardio workouts, spin classes etc, and now I can run 3 miles straight without stopping on the treadmill.

    Also look into a program like Couch to 5k, which does this, it starts you slow and builds up.. A lot is technique and breathing.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Start slow, try going slower than you have before, even if it is only slightly faster than a walk at first, once you get use to it you will be able to increase time and or speed. you can try the couch to 5k program, you can Google it to get more info.
  • wendytungate
    You could try power walking instead, uses the same sort of calories but less impact on your joints. If you start power walking it will build up your stamina too so then you will be better placed to start running. I gave up on the running and stuck with thw walking.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I was the same way. In a 30 minute walk, I could only run 4 times and it was MAYBE for 30 seconds. Each time I went out, I just told myself "I'll run to that lamppost" then run further until I literally couldn't stop. Then I was able to do intervals where I walked 1 minute, ran 1 minute. Now I'm doing Couch to 5K. I'm only on week 2 which is 5 minute warm up walk, 1 1/2 mins running, 2 minutes walking, and back and forth.

    You can do it!
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    I'm on Week 5 of the C25K, which takes you from being a "Couch Potato" to running 5k (3 miles) and it's pretty awesome!

    Like you, I could hardly run at all, and I certainly didn't enjoy doing so! When I first started C25K, I had to repeat Week 1 before I could move on to Week 2. Now, at Week 5, I'm already amazed at how far I can run. I was even thinking last night during my run that the recovery (walking) time felt too long! :noway: I've included the link below if you want to check it out. Lots of people on MFP have done C25K, so there's always lots of support. Good luck in whatever you decide! :drinker:

  • misstabithakan
    Start by just going for walks.. try and keep the pace quick enough so you can feel your heart rate increase... after a while you can start introducing short bursts of running when you feel like it... over time add more of these little runs to your walk or make them longer... it you keep gradually increasing this then eventually it will be a run rather than a walk. x
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    you did 30 seconds!! that's Great--change your perspective and look at what you achieved. this is going to be key here. next time if necessary, hold on for 31 or 32 seconds. It's going to be day by day and time by time. You will make it. you started successfully with that first try. Good luck and don't be afraid to stop and walk in between tries when your times get longer, too.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I started to try to run last week. Every time I do, I am so tired after 30 seconds. Anyone have any suggestions how I can do this and not be so tired.

    That's okay, seriously.

    Try this, run 30 seconds, walk two minutes, run 30 seconds, walk two minutes, continue like that to 30 minutes..

    After a week of that, try, run 30 seconds, walk 90 seconds, run 30 second, walk 90 seconds, carry on like that to 30 minutes.

    Then try, run 30 seconds, walk 60 seconds, run 30 seconds, walk 60 seconds, continue up to 30 minutes.

    Gradually build up, eventually continuing up to 45 minutes and then running for slightly longer (60 seconds, 90 seconds, two minutes etc). Certainly don't stress over it. It will get easier each time you do it. Really tiny build-ups........ :flowerforyou:
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Warm up 5 min then do intervals walk/jog or run. Sprint 10-20-30 sec then recover with a good paced walk for 1-2 min. THe more you do this the more your endurance will increase and before you know it you will be doing it without effort. I had trouble running now with this type of training it is not so bad. It wont happen over night and you have to be consitant with it but it works. so intervals of walk/jog or run. Good luck
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    I joined the Running Room in order to learn to run... And now teach marathon clinics!!! :) I've completed 7 half marathons and 1 marathon upright and smiling.

    Here's the training you can do to learn to run - it's fool proof!

    Week 1 walk 2 minutes, run one minute x 7 (do this 3 times a week)
    Week 2 walk 1 minute, run one minute x 10 (three times per week)
    Week 3 walk 1 minute, run two minutes x 7
    Week 4 walk 1 minute, run three minutes x 6
    Week 5 walk 1 minute, run four minutes x 4
    Week 6 walk 1 minute, run 6 minutes x 3
    Week 7 walk 1 minute, run 7 minutes x 3
    Week 8 walk 1 minute, run 8 minutes x 2 plus run another 2 minutes after your second minute walk
    Week 9 walk 1 minute, run 9 minutes x 2
    Week 10 walk 1, run 10 minutes x 2

    This program brings you up to running 10 and 1's, which is the base of running. Then after that, you can train for 5k, 10k, whatever you want!!! Message me if you want more info on further training programs. Remember to run at a pace that's good for you, you should be able to have a conversation (in between breaths) with your running partner (would be good to have one!!). If you go too fast, you won't be able to carry on and build a good running base.

    On another note, get rid of the "I can't" cause I have trained with people who weighed over 250lbs people who've never done ANY exercises in their life, people who were over 60. They did it and so can you!!! I'm flat footed and ran marathons! Just push through it and remember it doesn't matter how fast, far or long your run - YOU'RE A RUNNER and that's what matters! ;)
  • JustBeckyV
    JustBeckyV Posts: 182
    As everyone else had already told you - that is how you start! Just keep adding and you will get there. When I first started running I would run from one light pole to the next - so maybe 15 secs if that lol
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I was like you, but I've started the C25K program and the other day was able to jog for 14 min. without stopping!

    Here's the program if you're interested:

    It's the chart part way down on the page. 9 weeks, 3 workouts per week.

    Oops - someone beat me to this! Well, I second the recommendation for this program. :)