Has anybody tried...?

Okay, so for the 130-something days that I've been on this... ahem, lifestyle change I have been trying to keep my fat grams around 25 - 33 grams. MFP has set me at 45 grams of fat though and even alli recommends 45 grams of fat. I can't tell you how much easier it would be for me to have these extra grams of fat to work with. But, I'm worried that if I were to suddenly up my fat intake into the 40s, it would ruin all my progress so far. My worst fear is not seeing a loss on the scale on Saturdays.

Has any body been in my situation and tried upping your fat grams to the recommended amount? Did you still lose or did it take a couple of weeks for your body to readjust? Or have you tried something similar or maybe have an idea of what doing this would do to my weight? :ohwell: I'm thinking maybe I need to just ease myself into it... Like 35 grams of fat everyday for a week and see how that goes. Then bump it up to 40 grams a day. What do you think?


  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I'm on a pretty low fat diet. With eating plenty of fruit and non fat Yoplait yogurt each day. I don't think you should increase your fat grams. Also, you can always change the settings under GOALS, to tweak your carbs, protein and fats.
  • misstabithakan
    Just because it sets the upper limit of 44 doesn't mean you have to fill it. :-)
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,653 Member
    It's not the fat that makes you fat but extra calories so, if you're fitting into your calorie goal, it shouldn't be a problem. Just make sure it's the healthy stuff like olive oil, avocado, nuts....