hollybug1016 Member


  • I think it would be cool if my thighs didn't rub together & for that reason I used to yearn for a "thigh gap". Unfortunately, even when I was a 110 pound teenager in perfect shape I did not have one & I know I never will. I will forever have to yank my shorts out of my crotch. Oh well. I think I can live with it.
  • You can't force attraction. Either people do it for you or they don't. I think a lot of whether a "teddy bear type" gets attention is how they are presented. A dating site, for example, may not be terribly friendly to heavier people because people tend to "shop" and they look for whoever they think is more of a physical…
  • I can finally buy pretty bras again instead of the industrial strength tan monstrosities AND my husband can't stop chasing me around. Oh, and I agree about the high heels thing. They are much less torturous to walk around in.
  • I never get PMs. I have only a few friends that I have encouraged to get on this site & only one of them is really active. I'd be ecstatic to get a message! Maybe not a pervy one... :)
  • I have a full time office job so I am sitting in front of a computer a lot. I also have a husband & daughter to take care of. Most days this means that I can't get out & do a traditional work out. The majority of my activity comes from cooking, cleaning, laundry etc... I dont log those specific activities but I wear a…
  • You'll only sabotage yourself by feeling bad about it. If you keep beating yourself up, you're going to fall into the "oh well, I already overate, might as well finish this gallon of ice cream" syndrome. Then you feel bad for THAT and the cycle continues. Listen to the people here that are telling you it's ok instead of…
  • I'm 37 and still have these issues. I've found that for me it's usually hormonal. If I eat too much sugar, either sweets or simple carbs in general, I break out like crazy because of the insulin surges. When I back off the carbs it calms down. Also, the location of the breakouts can tell you quite a bit about what's…