I Need Some Skin Advice..

LiquidSugarr Posts: 50 Member
I've never had bad acne, just the occasional pimple we all get. But within the passed year my face has been breaking out a lot and getting worse these passed few months. It's really bad, some of the acne looks like I have huge planets on my face. It's embarrassing and hard to hide. I've used pretty much everything that you can find over the counter. I'm at my wits end and don't know what else to do. I'm twenty-two this phase of my life should be behind me. Any advice is greatly appreciated.


  • KelseyDawn84
    KelseyDawn84 Posts: 129 Member
    I got a skin infection one year that took MONTHS to clean up. I finally ended up using Bactine to clear it up. (It's an antibacterial spray for first aid).

    2 Things I've found that are hugely important to keeping my face clear...
    1: Wash before bed
  • efarester
    efarester Posts: 158
    I have found some of my best skin care advice and reviews from Paula Begoun. Her site www.beautypedia.com has reviews on any kind of beauty product. I actually use her skin care line now (www.paulaschoice.com) and it has given me the best results out of anything I have tried in the past. The products are reasonably priced and she runs lots of free shipping/discount offers. Hope that helps!!
  • LiquidSugarr
    LiquidSugarr Posts: 50 Member
    I got a skin infection one year that took MONTHS to clean up. I finally ended up using Bactine to clear it up. (It's an antibacterial spray for first aid).

    2 Things I've found that are hugely important to keeping my face clear...
    1: Wash before bed

    My mom and I thought that might be what I have going on, because my house has a lot of mold in it and she has a skin infection going on all over her breasts and tummy. I never thought about using Bactine, I use that after I get piercings. I always wash my face before I go to bed, I've started using antibacterial soap, I've heard that it's bad to use on your face but I was thinking if it was an infection that it'd clear it up lol. I use witch hazel in the morning and put draw out salve on the big ones.
  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member

    1. Wash morning and night
    2. Use an exfoliator and a cleanser. I use some apricot scrub and then some Clearasil
    3. Always moisturize. I find that if I start skipping out on this, my face breaks out more.

    I also recently started taking a biotin pill for hair skin and nails
    I swear since I've been taking it has cleared up my complexion.
    And drinks lots of water!!

  • kmjenkins
    kmjenkins Posts: 396 Member
    Try tea tree or green tea oil--you can get it on Amazon, just apply it directly to the affected areas. I've also found that using a toner after washing helps to clean up any residue that might have been left behind. And be sure to moisturize and wash regularly.

    Good luck!
  • hollybug1016
    hollybug1016 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 37 and still have these issues. I've found that for me it's usually hormonal. If I eat too much sugar, either sweets or simple carbs in general, I break out like crazy because of the insulin surges. When I back off the carbs it calms down. Also, the location of the breakouts can tell you quite a bit about what's causing them & what to do to fix it. The hormonal ones tend to be on the chin area.
  • lorac321
    lorac321 Posts: 627 Member
    Proactive. It really does work.
  • EvEboEvie
    EvEboEvie Posts: 115 Member
    I don't know what your diet is like, but eating healthy food, fruits, vegetables, etc., and getting enough water has helped my skin to be clearer and my nails to be stronger... best of luck to you.
  • xosmsox
    xosmsox Posts: 119
    Birth control! Haha I've been on junel for 3 years, and I'm not exaggerating, I've had MAYBE 3 pimples in those 3 years. And I gained zero weight. I get comiments on my skin all the time and owe it all to my pill. (it's also prescribed off label to treat acne) and one additional perk? I don't have a period on this pill (; no cramps, bloating or *****iness ever!! It's fantastic!
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Im 22 and had acne since 13. My skin is finally clearing up since I began using acne pills and acne cream (I live in Japan so they are Japanese, but I saw acne pills in drugstores in America too and obv acne creams). Also using a face mask every day or other day along with toner and moisturizer. I also dry my face with paper towels. I have Retin A cream but it sucks. I've tried antibiotics, but they didn't do anything. I tried proactive along with most anything on the American shelves.

    Here are some good products:
    -Dr Bronner's Castile Tea Tree Oil soap
    -Shiseido White Lucent foaming cleanser
    -Acne pills
    -sulfur (they have bottles of pink/clear stuff in drugstores or high end places -- same stuff though -- you shake it and apply it to pimples before bed. The active ingredient is sulfur and it dries pimples very well.

    My skin is really getting clearer and I only started the pills last week *_* so I would recommend. BTW I am on the birth control pill and it didn't help with acne, but this pill does.

    PS: I forgot to add that it might also be the Dr Bronners that is helping since I only started using that last week too and it uses castile and tea tree oil (noticed 2 people recommended these products). anyway...
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Have you given any thought to food causes? My 17 year old had really, really bad acne that cleared up when she went gluten free. Now she has lovely skin and only breaks out minimally due to hormones (unless she gets glutened.)

    I have another friend who has to steer clear of all dairy or she'll break out and another friend just has to skip any dairy that has RBsT in it. She's apparently just sensitive to the hormone. Might be worth it to try an elimination diet to see if any of those things impact you. Just pick one thing (like dairy) and cut it out for a couple of weeks to see how you do. If you clear up try adding it back in and see if you break out again. If you do, that's likely your culprit.
  • happypath101
    I've had "bad" skin my whole life. Well, not really bad, but not clear either. I FINALLY got the nerve to go without foundation. I figure that with all the exercise I do mid-day/end of day, it's probably not good to have a coating on my skin. It's almost a month now, but I notice a huge difference. I guess all that jazz about being non-clogging is crap. Anyway, if you're wearing goop on your skin, you might want to stop using it for a while. (If you're like me, it'll feel like being naked and letting everyone see all that 's wrong. But, it could be the key to making it better.)
  • mamato2babes
    natural soap... not detergents that will over dry your face. I like the goatsmilk soap from here www.freedomfarmsoap.com

    My husband has a soap allergy that caused horrible breakouts and cists on his face. This soap really helps.
  • DisneySkaGirl
    I'm twenty-two this phase of my life should be behind me. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

    Unfortunately, the whole "acne is for teenagers" thing isn't really true. I am 25, and I am still battling ugly, scarring acne on my back. I went on birth control (for a variety of reasons) and hoped that it would clear my skin like I'd heard, but there was zero change. I only had a little luck by going to the doctor and getting prescription benzoyl peroxide and cylicylic acid (something like that, its a anti-bacterial). I even went to a dermatologist before my wedding, hoping for something stronger and to eliminate the scarring, but the only solution he had was a series of laser treatments, expensive and not covered by insurance. I opted not to do it. Luckily my husband doesn't notice or care even a fraction of what I do.

    If you can, try to see a doctor and see if a stronger prescription cream works for you. The only downside to it is that they tend to bleach, so had to wear white all the time or only wear it to bed and shower in the morning to protect my clothes.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    DON"T SCRUB. I use a facial shammy, such as http://www.amazon.com/Skin-Rx-Clinic-SRX_BS-Smooth/dp/B002TR6L4G/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1334340121&sr=8-4, or a Clarisonic brush. My teenager does too.

    I've started buying the "hormone free" milk just in case rBST is a culprit.

    Drink water.
  • Amberetta82
    Amberetta82 Posts: 153 Member
    If you have sensitive skin, you really shouldn't exfoliate like a PP said. But definitely wash your face morning, night and moisturize. ALSO... wash your pillowcase. That might be part of the problem as well.
  • londongirl2012
    londongirl2012 Posts: 151 Member
    tea tree products are good, but notjign too harsh that ill over dry the skin. maybe using a face mask in your routine too along with cleaning, toning moisturising daily and exfoliation 2-3 times a week but gently not too harsh.
    and always use clean cloths and wash them at 60C+ or use antibac detergent to make sure they are clean, especially if theres a mould issue in your house.
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    I hate to tell you this but I'm 45 and still get breakouts. If you can, go see a dermatologist, it's worth the $ trust me.

    The best routine I found is:

    Cleanse with something gentle like Cerave
    Exfoliate with a beta hydroxy lotion to clear pores ( Paulas Choice has good ones)
    If you have an active blemish use a micro benzoyl peroxide to kill bacteria
    Use a moisturizer for oily skin- yes you need one - get one with sunscreen.

    At night use retin-A, get from the doctor or use an over the counter retinol. (in place of the exfoliator & beta hydroxy)

    Don't use harsh scrubs. Keep your hands off your face. Buy non-comogenic makeup.

    Also buy scent free laundry detergents, like All Free. Some detergent additives can cause breakouts.

    Best of luck!
  • cookiesandjuice
    I've had "bad" skin my whole life. Well, not really bad, but not clear either. I FINALLY got the nerve to go without foundation. I figure that with all the exercise I do mid-day/end of day, it's probably not good to have a coating on my skin. It's almost a month now, but I notice a huge difference. I guess all that jazz about being non-clogging is crap. Anyway, if you're wearing goop on your skin, you might want to stop using it for a while. (If you're like me, it'll feel like being naked and letting everyone see all that 's wrong. But, it could be the key to making it better.)

    THIS!! ^^^
  • moejo3
    moejo3 Posts: 224 Member
    Could be a staph type of infenction if there is also a lot of redness. I have used Listerine after washing my face(when I was younger) it really takes the redness out and cleans the skin really well. Continue to wash with a good face wash and moisturize. However, I highly recommend lots of water and take prenatal vitamins. Prenatals have everything in them they are good for you and if you are dieting will help with the missing nutrient. All of the B vitamins and Iron are great for skin. I took prenatal vitamins from 18-40 years old as I liked using them when I got pregnant at 18 and they have been great through the years and they are cheap!