lancasrj Member


  • I plan a week of meals before I go shopping every week. Most of my recipes make 3-4 meals so I save time that way as well. Also, This planning keeps me from buying pre-prepared foods at the store. It also allows me to balance my macros for the week with one planning session so I don't have to think about it later.
  • I just replace peanut butter with sunflower seed butter 100 grams Rolled oats 2 Tbs of flax seed 200 grams Whey protein 30 grams of coconut flakes 100 grams Sunflower seed butter 20 grams Honey 150 ml Skimmed milk I have adapted the recipe from here:…
  • I wake up absolutely famished every day. That being said I don't think it is right to force your body to eat when it isn't ready. Perhaps your body's fast cycle is just longer and is not ready to eat till later in the day. That being said you could also be suffering from a slow metabolism. If that is the case you should…
  • This may sound counter intuitive, but I have the same problem outside in the spring/summer (I'm from the north and used to cooler temperatures). My pit problem got a lot better when I switched from anti-perspirant to just normal deodorant. It was like wearing anti-perspirant just made my body double it's efforts to sweat.…
  • I also sweat a lot more than what I would hold as normal. It has never really changed with my fitness level. Humidity makes a huge difference for me. In the winter when the gym has a much lower humidity I don't sweat as much, but as soon at the summer hits the sweat is back. I just make sure to wear an undershirt and carry…
  • That is most definitely true.
  • Whey protein is not a meal replacement. It should say this right on the package. It lacks the content of a balanced meal. However, protein shakes are a great way to boost your protein intake without the addition of a lot of extra calories or the consumption of copious amounts of chicken. It is best to have your shake right…