Moonsorrow1 Member


  • I had the same issue on my iPhone when the application updated. I didn't exercise today and my calorie intake was actually 40 cal over yet the app was telling me differently when I tried to complete my daily entry. I figured mfp had updated their calorie requirements and must have forgotten to adjust user goals…
  • From just over the border in Buffalo, NY! Nice to meet you fellow "Melissa"! :)
  • I live in Lancaster and have also just moved here about 2 years ago (from Rhode Island). I'm 100% in the same boat as you and haven't found a damn person to enjoy anything with, let alone exercising/walking/jogging (etc) with. Everyone here seems to already have their niche in society and without having old high-school…
  • I am currently living in Lancaster, just moved from Cheektowaga, so I am in the area! I too am looking for other people who are looking to better themselves and provide motivation & support! :) nice to meet you megan