I tempted fate and made a cake for my husband. As a result I had three NSVs: 1. Only ate one very small piece and was completely satisfied. 2. Froze the remainder of cake in small single size servings 3. Got frosting on my fingers in the process of freezing cake, Was not even interested in licking the frosting off my…
I am at -95 lbs, feeling quite encouraged that I will be able to loose 45 more to reach goal. Congratulations to all of you for your success.
Hi Ladies, congratulations on your success! I love hearing how you have alll made adjustments in your nutrition and activity levels as you work towards success. I am 66 and March 2019 I got a little help in the weight loss journey - it’s callled chemo. I certainly don’t recommend the diet but it is effective. I initially…
7.12.19 225 a very challenging week - glad to have not gained
I so agree. I was recently diagnosed with cancer and when I told folks several of them said, “well the upside is that you will lose weight” it was all I could do not to just stare and say, REALLY! I am battling a life threatening disease and frankly I am scared and you can only equate this to my weight? Amazing.
Spent the day cleaning my closet and like many of you inspirational folks I was surprised that many items that were in the “when I weigh less” pile are now in the “donate’ bag. They were much too large. Also went to Costco with a list that included macadamia/carmel/chocolate candies. I had myself convinced I could just eat…
Ultimate start weight: 296 Challenge start weight: 225 Challenge goal weight: 215 Ultimate goal weight: 160 Just finished 6 rounds of chemo therapy and getting ready for surgery and radiation, this challenge will help me focus on getting healthy again rather than being sick. It is great to see your goals, an inspirational…
They not only keep you going, they also inspire me. Thanks for sharing! You look terrific.
Terrific! I joined TOPS in August and have enjoyed the support. Not really following their program - I am more of a calorie counter, not an exchange counter. Our group just got started in July, so we have a lot to learn. I will love reporting to the group your success. Nicky
Thank you! I love my new mantra, "It's what I do!" Nicky
This is marvelous!
Hey Loren, You can check the first step off your list of things to do - you logged on, you got all those rotten feelings out and now you are ready to get going again. I think we all have shared the same sort of feelings of misery and setbacks. But the amazing thing is to read the others here who have been so successful -…
I live in Chelan WA - surrounded by apple orchards. The honeycrisps are being picked RIGHT NOW! I do love those apples.
Thank you! This sounds heavenly.
Hey Baggy Butt (in this case a true compliment) I loved your pictures. But I have to ask, which one is you and which one is your daughter. Good grief you look like sisters - both gorgeous and fit!!! Keep up the great work.
Good for you Jennifer - recognizing a need to make healthier choices when you have only gained 10 lbs. I usually wait until I have gained 100. Your post made me realize just how important it is to make real life changes, not just temporary ones. I can't get too confident as I lose, I need to stay really dilligent. Sounds…
Molly, Thank you. I feel calmer just reading your post and realizing that I have some major decluttering to do. We moved five years ago and I still have boxes I haven't gone through. I should just give the whole box to charity. If I haven't needed it in five years, I certainly don't need it now. Thanks again! Nicky
Congratulations! I think you toes look skinnier too! Nicky
This is a great idea. And then to help your motivation, go to this website: You can download that picture of yourself and visualize yourself at your goal weight. Talk about motivation! Hang in there, the journey is definitely going to be worth the results. Nicky
How sad is this? I thought I would try these sights out and then realized that in the gazillion pictures I have stored on my computer of every family member, neighbor, neighbor's dog, neighbor's friend and former friend - there is not one of me. I am just too embarrased to have my picture taken. Good grief, why haven't I…
Although one of my big goals is to lose weight, I keep trying to focus on living healthy and not just the number on the scale. I try not to get too vested in that number - if it goes up slightly, I go bananas slightly. I get discouraged and do destructive things (eat). So, I am weighing once a week, I am recording the…
I think I will head out to the garden and dig a few spuds and give this a try. Thanks! Nicky
Glorioski! 20 pounds gone! Congratulations. ndm
An absolutely amazing story - thank you for sharing and for encouraging me to look forward to a year from today when my new healthy habits pay off. Nicky
Butter is one of those things I just haven't been able to fake. I would rather do without than use a lower calorie substitute. I have eliminated butter from the corn on the cob, from the potatoes and from the popcorn. But every now and then when we have crab, I have just a bit of melted butter with it and it is pure…
Holy Mackeral! Those are some pretty amazing results. Keep up the great work! Nicky
Wow - you all are amazing. Thank you for your encouragement and great ideas. It is great to know that I am not alone in this journey and that I have such great company. So the plan is to forgive myself, move on, get right back into healthy choices and to go give all of the offending food a big old piece of my mind! I love…
Hi Steve, Thank you for posting this. I really appreciate your insights. I am putting a big sign over my kitchen door, "You have to want this, and mean it. You can't just say it." I have been making healthy choices for one month now and I think in order for me to make this a lifelong change those words will really help me.…
Great idea Tena, I have walked 9 miles so far in August and I am heading out to add some more right now. Thanks for getting this started. Nicky
Hi Tphilips! I just joined as well and like you I have a long way to go. I hope to lose 110 lbs. I started on this project about 3 weeks ago and feel better already. But heck, I have done that many times before. The trick will be staying with it this time. I look forward to seeing you on the boards and seeing your…