

  • By all means AFTER the workout. The protein hit makes you feel a lot better if you are crashing a little after the workout. It may be cheaper for you to just get a recovery drink if you are buying to different products. You can get them at GNC or The Vitamin Shoppe or most health food stores.
  • I believe some ground fighting is a good thing to know, but most likely on the street if somebody picks a fight and you do the monkey dance, or get assaulted, that person is going to have some friends in the wings that that are going to kick the snot out of you when you hit the pavement.
  • There should be three different levels of cleaning in the data base. If not try and google calories burned while cleaning.Good luck.
  • I study Shorei Goju Ryu started by master Trias in the 1950s. The current style head is Hanshi Herb Johnson. It is a blend of syles from Okinawa. Most Okinawan and Japanese styles are similar and have one or two forms from Funikoshi Sensei. Father of Shotokan and founder of modern karate. My Sensei, a student of Hanshi…
  • Next time you compete remember to use combinations of two and three. Most beginners strike once and then stay around to get hit. Make you moves quickly and back out at an angle preferabley. Don't be predictable unless you know you have a combo that works almost all of the time. I agree with others, put on a good show and…
  • Tuna fish, white balsamic vin, lemon juice, your favorite hard grated cheese, avocado, a spicey or milder chili pepper finely chopped, small amount of minced garlic, cilantro, mint , S&P. You can also use a a grain like Quinoa instead of avocado. Or Cous Cous . Also like tuna and lemon pepper seasoning in a tomato half or…
  • I study Shorei Goju Ryu , Small Circle Jujitsu and modern Arnis. I am currently working on nan dan sho kata, ni hanshi kata and Ten sho kata. Plus the Bunkai to Sai en chen. I just started small circle and arnis so am picking up the basics of each. The first two arts use a sylabus. We run forms or kata in shorie. Plus…
  • Speaking for myself. Being appreciated is your spouse or partner knowing you are a good man. If he takes care of things in the home like minor plmbing problems, electrical fix its, painting, gardening, and helps with the grocery shoping, laundry and vacuuming. Niether partner should get saddled with all the domestic chores…
  • my cat was named KATA
  • In my opinion running right off the block is not a good idea. From all I have read, walking is the best way to start. Move up to some short runs at a moderate pace and increase as you feel stronger and lighter. If you have access to an eliptical trainer you can adjust your cardio to your specific needs. It has been my…
  • Just guessing, but this may be too many calories for your metabalic rate. Have you ever had it measured by an MD or figured it out on your own. MFP says my intake should be 1660 and that is way to much for me to drop pounds.
  • Sorry, I don't eat much pasta, but I can't get past the taste of whole wheat. Nasty.
  • Just joined a few days ago and have no desire to be a "stick man" . Willing to help and support all that ask. Kudos to all those making healthy choices.
  • I have diverticulosis. It is small pockets in the large intestines that catch things like nuts, seeds and popcorn. If you have some thing that gets caught and gets infected that is Diverticulitis, and me be sever enough for a section of the bowel to be removed. Treatment for me has been high fiber cereals and Metamucil or…