Has any one ever had Diverticulitis?

I have had a pain in my left abdomen for a year and almost impossible to have a bowel movement. When I eat fiber foods I get bloated. Laxatives don't work, coffee worked for a few days and stopped. I have been to dr's who say I am constipated and to buy a juicer. I have the Jack Lalanne juicer. Love it but no help. From reading about Diverticulitis, I think I might have it, I heard there are home remedies and I was just wondering if any one had or has it and any helpful hints would be appreciated. Bless you all :)


  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    Have you been to a specialist? My mother has diverticulitis and it can be very painful. Juicing may not be the way to go. I would highly recommend you see a GI specialist instead of the regular doctor so you can figure out what you can and can't eat when you have an attack.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Have you been to a specialist? My mother has diverticulitis and it can be very painful. Juicing may not be the way to go. I would highly recommend you see a GI specialist instead of the regular doctor so you can figure out what you can and can't eat when you have an attack.


    My wife just it and it's very painful. Also, you need to stay away from fruits and veggies with Diverticulitis as it is the cause for issue. See another down or see a GI specialist. If it's bad, they will need to operate.
  • AviaBatyah
    AviaBatyah Posts: 161 Member
    I had went to a specialist and they gave me some powder stuff I had to take for 6 mths cause they felt I was just backed up. I eat lots of veggie chicken by morning star and other of there products. I can not stand beef and have been forcing myself to eat it the last few weeks. I would not say the pain is server but it does hurt a little all day everyday for little over a year.
  • AviaBatyah
    AviaBatyah Posts: 161 Member
    Okay I will schedule an appt with a GI specialist. They take about 2-3 mths to be seen. I have no insurance and I have to pay up front to be seen so I was hoping on tiring to heel it at home. I have read up on it and I will refrain from fruits and veggies and fiber. Call me crazy but I think some one has a homeopathic way or old home remedies.
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    My MIL definitely has it and despite the fact that my primary didn't send me for any f/u I'm pretty sure I do too. Your symptoms are me to a T. I'll eat healthy and I'm miserable. Have some fried buffalo wings and woosh! I'm better. Pllbbb! It's annoying. I'm trying to keep better track of what I'm eating so that I can determine what it is that sets me off. Good luck! Hope the GI specialist helps!
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    I wouldn't cut out all fruits, veggies and fiber, your body needs them. Make sure you're drinking enough water, that really helps me. The "powder" MIL was told to use is Mirilax. CVS has a generic of it that isn't as expensive. She says it works. I was taking it for a while (and honestly don't remember why I stopped) I've tried other "solutions" that didn't work. Flax seed, psyllium, etc. Good luck!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I have had it 3X's. If you have it and don't go to the Doctor,You could perforate your bowel ( your Bowel gets a whole in it) and die!
    Any pain that last more then a few days, should be evaluated by a Physician. You have to be diagnosed before you can try to treat it yourself. If you have no ins. there has to be some kind of clinic in your area.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you suspect this, then go to your doctor and get tested for it. If you do have it you need to adjust your diet to avoid certain foods. Your doctor should provide a list of do's and don'ts. But your symptoms could be caused by other things. The fact that eating fiber foods makes you bloated could be gluten intollerance, if the fiber foods are grains that contain gluten. It could also be another food sensitivity or intollerance. You might have to try an elimination diet to identify the food.

    Did the doctor test for intestinal obstruction or lesion? There are so many things that could cause the symptoms you describe. Call your doctor back and let them know that the problems persist. If they don't do anything, switch to another doctor.
  • AviaBatyah
    AviaBatyah Posts: 161 Member
    I did have Diverticulitis and since being on antibiotics and cutting out seeds and nuts in my diet and some others I finally feel better and my digestive system is working better. I was told it might take 2 weeks or maybe more to get completely better. Thanks everyone one for your help and advice :)
  • MeechoXD
    My mother has diverticulosis and when her colon is inflamed it is the most painful thing. Do you eat popcorn or nuts or seeds? My mom doesn't have a problem with fruits or vegetables I don't think. But corn, sesame seeds (like on a bun), nuts, popcorn, all can cause her diverticulitis. You really do need to get checked. I don't know if there's an easier way than this, but they can check your colon to see if you have polyps where food can get stuck. If during the attack you get bloody stool, that is also a sign. Good luck and get checked soon! The longer you wait to find out the truth, the more damage that can be done to your colon (depending on what it is).

    Edit- I didn't see your last post about the nuts and seeds. I definitely think you might be re-experiencing an attack. :( Hope it subsides and doesn't return.
  • loveladys6
    My husband has had two flare ups of Diverticulitis. He cut out caffeine completely and has NOT had to change his diet otherwise. No issues since he stopped all caffeine. Watching him suffer with the pain was very hard. Sorry you've had those issues as well. Good luck to you!
  • Cookme1
    Cookme1 Posts: 15
    I have diverticulosis. It is small pockets in the large intestines that catch things like nuts, seeds and popcorn. If you have some thing that gets caught and gets infected that is Diverticulitis, and me be sever enough for a section of the bowel to be removed.
    Treatment for me has been high fiber cereals and Metamucil or something similar.
    This condition is more prevelant in adults between 40 and 50.
    Note. I am not an MD