

  • For some people, running a calorie deficit for long periods of time will send their body into "starvation mode". It slows your metabolism down, which means you're burning fewer calories. If you throw in a high calorie day once in a while, it will send a message to your body that there is plenty of food to be had, firing up…
  • Add me too! I've been looking to expand my support group on this topic, as well. I'm not actively tracking foods, because that becomes an obsessive habit that is not good for my health, but I'm an emotional eater and happy to be a part of anyone's support network!
  • Hi! I'm not a mom (yet!), but I am definitely an emotional eater. First of all, welcome, and good job for joining MFP! Tracking what you're eating is for sure the first step. You can't manage what you don't measure, after all. My advice is to track everything you eat for a month - even if the food isn't all that healthy or…
  • I would echo what most others have said. I also log everything, good and bad, and it helps me learn about myself and make better choices in the future. Also, I give myself 1 cheat meal per week, which helps me feel less deprived. I try to keep the portions reasonable, but I eat whatever I want. Sometimes I am a pound…
  • I'm also 5'9" SW: 198 CW: 192 GW: 160 I've been trying to lose weight for years now; it's been creeping up ever since I finished college. I keep losing 5-10 pounds and then falling off the wagon, so I'm hoping this will help me stick with it this time!