diet4amy Member


  • Be with my family and let's not forget a BIG PASTA DINNER!:happy: :happy:
  • I have 2. A 90 pound Goldie-Poo (1/2 Golden Retriever and 1/2 Giant Poodle). He thinks he is a lap dog. The other is a 55 pound speedbump better known as a Grey Hound. I have never met a dog I didn't love.
  • I don't think there's anything wrong with artificial sweetners. The only thing I find is that when I use them even that in soda, I begin to crave sweets even more. So I try to stay away from them. There are so many natural sweets out there. It is just difficult to stick to the apples and grapes.:smile:
  • When I start tracking I am on here every day. Monday is my day to start again. I was doing very well until my birthday. Let's say I have been celebrating since March. But I am ready to get back to it. I can use the support as well.
  • I took 1000mg a day for about 3 weeks and it did nothing.
  • I have to admit, the weekends are going to be my worst enemy. But I want to focus on the good I did. Even though we went out to dinner, I made an effort to eat smaller amounts of what we ordered. Before I would eat everything on the plate. I just need to exercise a little more today to make up for the binge.
  • Hi everyone, Monday I took a "mental health" day from work. As I watched the Today show I was inspired by Tamara who lost the weight without a personal chef, pre packaged meals or any of the other things that are listed in "success" stories of magazines. I have to admit this site has already kept me motivated. At lunch I…
  • Hi, I'm Amy. I too heard about the sight on the Today show about 15 minutes ago. Hopefully this will help.