Here because of Today Show? Join the club!

shari253 Posts: 202
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, I'm Shari, and like many of you I joined after seeing the Today Show (8/9/10). I just started a "Today Show Club" support group in the support and motivation section of the message boards. I would love it if anyone else who is starting today (or anyone for that matter, lol) would join the club! Here is the link to the Today Show Club thread:



  • laura11248
    laura11248 Posts: 49 Member
    What happened on the Today Show?:smile:
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    I 2nd that...what happened on the Today Show?
  • I so want to join your board but can't find it. I just joined today because of the today show, too....but - I am really struggling as I have nooo computer skills and can't seem to navigate this site yet! Please help!
  • diet4amy
    diet4amy Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I'm Amy. I too heard about the sight on the Today show about 15 minutes ago. Hopefully this will help.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I'm told that the Today Show did a segment this morning on a woman who lost over 100 pounds using MFP! How awesome is that??
  • They had on a woman who lost 279 pounds and she said she did it because of this website!
  • katcassard
    katcassard Posts: 11 Member
    I am here because of the Today show too! I will gladly join the club. Tamara's story was very inspiring:-)
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    was mfp on the today show:blushing:
  • did someone talk about MFP on the show?????
  • There was a young lady on the Joy Fit Club who lost 141lbs using this website.
  • californiajuls
    californiajuls Posts: 198 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I am here because the story on the Today Show inspired me. Time to stop with the excuses and do something about my weight. Good luck to all!
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    I always miss everything..sigh....Maybe we can find it on youtube?
  • Shari and everyone: I also caught the Today Show this morning and caught this segment, so count me in. I was kind of hoping they would mention the web site again. Tamara said the site but said it very quickly. Anyway, count me in the group. My name is Sharon Jones and my email is I love the fact that this is a free website dedicated to losing weight and would enjoy hearing how everyone else is doing, also.
  • Shari and everyone: I also caught the Today Show this morning and caught this segment, so count me in. I was kind of hoping they would mention the web site again. Tamara said the site but said it very quickly. Anyway, count me in the group. My name is Sharon Jones and my email is I love the fact that this is a free website dedicated to losing weight and would enjoy hearing how everyone else is doing, also.
  • I'm here because of the Today Show too!!! I need to get motivated to get the pounds coming off.:wink:
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    I checked out this site because of the Today show too. I had just finished working out and was drinking water and relaxing. What perfect timing for the segment to be on! I only started working out again last week.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    my friend likes to watch the Today Show online so you might be able to find it on instead of trolling through youtube for it
  • i heard about this website on the today show, its time to do something about this weight , so here i am...
  • emsfire839
    emsfire839 Posts: 4 Member
    I found this app on my ipod a couple months ago, but lost motivation until I saw the show this morning. I'm 26 and am getting ready to start paramedic class in two weeks. I refuse to be a fat medic that gets winded on scene. I have 100lbs to lose, but my first goal is to get under 200lbs. I'm 242 right now.
  • I'm here because of the Today Show too! Tamara was very inspiring and this seems like a great website. Time to stop delaying the dreaded diet and excersing and just do it! If Tamara can lose 141 pounds I ought to be able to lose 50! :smile:
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