Here because of Today Show? Join the club!



  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    :happy:this site helps me it will help alot of people:love: its great
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member

    Here is the link to the video this is great.
  • antiadipose
    WOW! this is great. i love finding out awareness is spreading.
    welcome everyone!
  • pcassady
    I am also here because of the today show. I love that this is a free site and am looking forward to building a group of supportive friends. Now the challenge for me is going to be to count calories and stay on track so any helpful ideas I can get will be greatly appreciated. I believe that silly saying from the 70's is appropriate now "Today is the first day of your entire life". Let's do it together!
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Here is the link to the Today Show Club thread. Please join!
  • romybeth
    Saw the story today on TODAY and thought I'd check the site out.... I like it, mush easier than the WW site I think. I am looking forward to this!
  • bottomsupranch
    Hi everyone, I'm Denise from Calif...I too joined after watching the Today Show. I have about 25 to lose before I turn 50 in December. I LOVE to cook and I love my couple of glasses of wine in the evenings when I let the goats out to play. I know I can lose the weight, I've done it before but those of you who are in your later 40's probably have found like myself that it just doesn't come off as easily as it use to. Sigh! I was just recently in a car accident and before that I tore my hamstring trying to water-ski on the 4th. Before the hamstring injury I was hiking five miles a day and feeling GREAT. Now, I'm back to... I'll sit and watch a Netflix and have a glass or two of wine. Another sigh! The hamstring is on the mend, not totally back to the way it was and my neck is still stiff. Still, that isn't a reason to sit...I know I need to move, move, move, we all need to move, move, move. I'm hoping all of you can keep me moving and motivated. Good luck to us all! =)
  • BeckyShirley
    BeckyShirley Posts: 1 Member
    I joined today after seeing the segment on The Today Show with Hoda & Kathie Lee. What an inspiration and I had no idea that this website existed! I am so grateful because I need something like this to help me stay focused on motivated! I actually had a mini gastric bypass back in the spring of 2001 and lost 147 lbs but sadly have gained about 50 of them back. I now realize that having the surgery was just a tool and that I need to be in control of what I'm eating and that I need to get off this couch/recliner and MOVE!
  • grailey2122
    I can join the club I was watching the Today Show as well, something I don't do too often. I am logging on for the first time today as well....i hope all this support helps.
  • grailey2122
    There is something to be said for checking in and writing everything down. i like having the exercise log-in so that I can see how much my workouts are helping in the calorie in vs. calorie out!!!!!!
  • Angiepackmom4
    Add me on if you would like. I am all for a group of supportive friends on the same weight loss journey. I know you will do well.
  • kwhit2710
    I watch the Joy Fit Club every Mon. on The Today Show, but today really inspired me, so I joined!!
  • SheliaA
    SheliaA Posts: 2
    Hi Shari
    I am Shelia I saw the same program. I am currently working out at the local "Y", it has been great for me. I wish you much success with this journey and I have a wonderful support group. Be blessed! Shelia
  • sandygarner
    Hi, my name is Sandy and I also joined after I saw the Today Show. I have lost 64 lbs. but I have been stuck for about a month now with no weight loss. I have about 40 more pounds to lose to get to my goal weight. I love to cook and that is my problem. I have 2 children, 3 step children and 6 grandchildren. I am 45 years old and I am so tired of not feeling like doing anything with my family. Losing the 64 lbs. has helped tremendously but I don't want to stop here and not complete my goal.
  • janiebird76
    I'm here because of the Today Show also...Wonder how many of us are joining today because of that segment? I have lost 15 lbs this year, but haven't lost anything in the last month. Have gotten lax with all the hot weather. I don't do well in the summer. Think that is opposite of most people. When its hot, I don't want to do much. Hoping I can get motivated again.

    So nice to find a free site. Thank you for this opportunity. Good luck to everyone. Janiebird
  • flyingfeathers
    i to joined after watching the today show this morning, good luck to all!
  • millerthyme99
    millerthyme99 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Shari
    I would love to join the club. I too just started today after watching the Today show. :smile:
  • tpacrash
    As soon as I saw it on the today show this morning I signed up. So far I am very excited about it. Seems so easy to keep track of everything. Can't wait to look back in a month and see how far i've come. Good luck everyone :)
  • mygame
    mygame Posts: 2
    Actually she was 279 and lost 140lbs. Have a great day.
  • maxine39
    Hi I too joined today because i seen it on the today show. I'm 70 years old but they say its never to late to start. I really don't know how to pick healthy food. What are some good things to eat for Dinner I have lots to eat but to many carbs.: Hope to hear from you.