

  • One thing I decided to pay attention to is my pants. They never lie, gain they get mad and strangle you, lose they loosen up on ya giving you some breathing room.
  • I have Hypothyroidism, early onset of arthritis in my right hip, and I am pretty sure beginnings of fibromyalgia. My mother has it and I have all the beginning signs of it. I am trying to 'get the lead out' as they say. Hopefully, I can try to fight it before it really kicks in. Her doctor had said that had she caught it…
  • I am 33 and trying for 60+ lbs. We should form a 'union' to motivate each other. I know I am trying to lose the least but with medical issues I might as well be trying for 100 it's going to be that hard.
  • Personally, I feel lazy to work out at home. I push my self to do it. You seem to have the ambition to make sure you stick with it for your wedding (Congratulations) and if you think that the money your paying for the gym could be going to the wedding that may force you to go there. If the contract isn't up till Nov then…
  • 7 Vegetable Salad 4 medium asparagus spears 1 small yellow squash 1 small zucchini 2 Belgian Endive 1/2 medium red bell pepper 10 sugar snap peas 1/2 alfalfa sprouts 1 1/2 cups canned White beans 2 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1 Tbsp White Wine Vinegar 1 Tbsp Lemon Juice 1. Shred or julienne the vegetables to make the light…