Gym or exercise at home?

So I am just wondering how many of you would prefer working at home over going to the gym...I have a gym membership, pay $15 a month, the contract is up in November 2012. I have really been thinking about buying an elliptical for home use so I can exercise when it is convenient for me. I just started my weight loss journey, I have tried two other times in the past and I stop going to the gym and watching what I am eating. I have to do this NOW, I am getting married in 9 months so I can't make any excuses this time. Walmart has an elliptical for $387, looks nice, its a Golds Gym, anyone have one? Most of the reviews are good. I am just thinking I will be able to get more exercise if I buy one because now by the time I get off work(run day care out of my home, watch kids from 6:00-600 and which makes dinner around 7:00/7:30 so I get to the gym around 8:00/8:15 and they close at 9:00...Yesterday for example I felt SOOO good to be at the gym and didnt want to get off the elliptical but had to because they were closing...I have had a treadmill in the past, said I would use it, over the two years I had it, I used it maybe 10 times :( I sold it once I got my gym membership. I just want to get your opinions on what you think works best :) I have also thought about getting Jillians 30 day shred to do.


  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    I do both, early morning here, evening @ my gym. I prefer the gym, seeing so many people working out around me motivates me to work harder :flowerforyou:
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    Its personal choice. I like working out at home and outside...because I am lazy as all get out. And if I have to "commute" to the gym *before* I get to even *start* working out? There's a 70/30 chance that I won't make it. When I'm at home...the moment I decide to workout...BAM, I'm working out as soon as I can change my chance to wuss out.

    Other folks report the opposite feeling...that they could never make themselves workout at home in the same way they do at the gym.

    But, the fact that you had a treadmill that you never used makes me think that, perhaps, working out at home isn't for you. Or, at least, you should have a little more experience at the gym before investing in a huge and expensive piece of equipment. I'd try DVD's or "smaller footprint" home equipment before investing. My home equipment is a rebounder, a dip bar, and two heavy dumbbells.
  • Personally, I feel lazy to work out at home. I push my self to do it. You seem to have the ambition to make sure you stick with it for your wedding (Congratulations) and if you think that the money your paying for the gym could be going to the wedding that may force you to go there. If the contract isn't up till Nov then make use of the money and use that time as well to 'un-stress' from the wedding plans.
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    Decent home equipment is expensive. $15 a month for a gym membership seems like a real bargain to me.

    Or, wait another month or so and watch for exercise equipment on ebay and craigslist.

    But, don't buy junk stuff... know what you are looking at!
  • jenlb99
    jenlb99 Posts: 213 Member
    I give credit to those who can work out at home...because I'm NOT one of them.

    I need to physically leave my home in order to do any kind of work out. I've bought the equipment and dvds, etc. but there's no motivation to be found here, so they're collecting dust. I'm a regular at my gym, so I hang with the other regulars -- and we all push each other to our limits. It's fantastic. I doubt I would go as often if I didn't have the daily push and competition like I do.

    At home, it's just ME...and I find a million other things that need to be done before I get my butt in it really doesn't happen.

    It sounds like you might be the opposite, and really, that's a great deal for an elliptical. My sister paid over 2K for hers -- and it collects dust lol (She's a Crossfit lover).
  • fordster99
    fordster99 Posts: 181 Member
    Like someone said before, its all about personal choice. I had a gym membership for two years and barely used it. I didn't like that the swimming pool was constantly being used for other things (like classes and the high school swim team practice) so free swimming was out of the question, I didn't like the fact I couldn't just go when I wanted to. I cancelled my membership and slowly started building up my own "home gym". I bought some DVDs and some hand weights. I found a really good deal online for a treadmill and love it. My fiance found a couple of different stationary bikes on craigslist for under $75.00 total so I really don't miss the gym at all. I love the fact that when I get up, I can just throw on some clothes and work out and then shower. Or if I don't have time, then I can just do it in the evening for as long as I want. One thing I would suggest in your case is to find out how much you would have to pay to cancel your membership early. If you are still having to pay the $15.00 a month, I would continue to go but pick up some DVDs as well so you can do those on the nights you can't make it. You could go and then come home and work out. Good luck!
  • BettyyRoss
    BettyyRoss Posts: 100 Member
    I prefer the gym, more options.
  • I work out at home.. I hate working out in front of people.I use The wave its a workout set made by the firm and I love it. They have alot of different programs but I like the wave something about it makes it less boring :)
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    I work out at home...I'm just way to embarrassed to go to a gym & see girls in sports bras a spandex running on treadmills [that's especially going to happen since im in college & get free gym membership to the Rec Center on campus]. I do the 30DS at home, locked in our bedroom so my fiance can't see me flailing around like an idiot...Im also the kind of shy type who doesn't want others to judge, which probably explains my main reason for not going to the gym.
  • kelnort
    kelnort Posts: 17
    i have a great treadmill at home and i can hook up my iPod and my kindle to it. it definitely helps me get through my workouts and there's no one around to bother me. i also use my wii fit. i used to go to the gym, but would not get home until almost midnight. so now i just do what i can when i am home and i feel more comfortable. you do need to have some discipline, so choose wisely :) good luck!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I will be completely honest. I NEED a gym to stay on track. When it comes to home workouts? Well, I'll think of 101 reasons why sitting on the couch is better than working out. When I'm paying for a gym membership, I go.

    So, for me.. it is a no brainer. Gym membership is the only way to go.
  • Superbritt2drescu
    Superbritt2drescu Posts: 273 Member
    I do JM in the mornings but at night I go with my gym buddy to the on post gym. (Its free so no excuses.)
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I plan on buying an elliptical when I get a good job but I probably would have a membership on the side to a studio with fitness classes. Currently I have a gym membership that's only $10 a month so it's not bad and I can cancel whenever. I work out at home mostly since my school's gym is crap and I am going to start attending fitness classes. (my actual gym membership is in my hometown so I use it when I visit).
    But I think a home elliptical would be great. That way you can't be too lazy to go to the gym and you can watch tv at home and even work out more than once a day if you want to. I'd say if it's going to improve your health then it's going to save you money in the long run
  • Mirth
    Mirth Posts: 77
    I do a mixture of the two, plus some outdoors stuff.

    I do yoga/pilates and some kick boxing at home, but more often than not I get distracted when I'm at home and end up not working out, or my workouts feel incomplete.

    When the weather is nice I like to get outside, especially to go hiking... but I'm not living in an area with many hiking options (I hate in-town walks) and it's winter, to boot. I also like to bike ride (or I used to, when I put on weight it became painful. The ratio of bike seat to my *kitten* was way out of whack) and canoe or kayak. I don't get many chances to do those things, though.

    The gym is nice because it has so many options and just walking in puts me in a mood to workout. I get my best workouts at the gym, in my experience, so having a membership is key for me losing weight. It also REALLY helps that I can't get from work to home, or vice versa, without driving right past my gym. I feel guilty if I drive past and see everyone else hard at work.
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    I like home exercises..theres no excuses why i can't do it..i found excuses when I need to leave home to go to the gym
  • sarabig2fit
    sarabig2fit Posts: 274 Member
    i do both. i do the 30ds at home in the morning and gym at night. it's really what you're comfortable with.
  • BuffLoveWinning
    BuffLoveWinning Posts: 68 Member
    Gym offers variety get classes n different amenities
  • I do gym,home & outside. Some days I do gym& home back-to-back. I work out eveyday and find that mixing it up with both keeps me motivated.
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    Neither - outdoors cycling for me regardless of the weather (well, apart from ice). Just broken through the 1000 miles for January mark
  • Nic620
    Nic620 Posts: 553 Member
    I do at home. I have a Sole elliptical, Nordic track treadmill , Bowflex and just got a recumberment bike. I get up early mostly to do my workout before my daughter gets up. If that fails I know I can do it when she naps if I'm lucky that day or when Hubby gets home from work.

    I did use to enjoy the gym time but it's just easier to knock it out first thing without leaving the house.