

  • Welcome! Definitely a good incentive to lose weight is how we look in the saddle (I hate pics of me riding! lol) and also it helps to remember how much better our horses will feel if they are carrying a little less weight around.
  • If it's available in your area....Triple Crown Senior works fantastic! It's a beat pulp based feed and I have my 18 year old 17h appendix on it and it's amazing how much less feed I can feed him on it versus the other kinds of senior feed out there. I also put my mare on it when I got her at 4 years old as she was…
  • I'll donate some's a win-win situation for both of us. Homeless guy wouldn't taste too good (and you don't know where that fat has been).
    in Fats Comment by peachie98 May 2012
  • I am in agreement with the others, give her back. Especially since you have the perfect place she can go to, the original owners, with no hard feelings and you know she will be cared for. Get the mare that will make you happy and safe as well as your kids. You obviously have a nice quiet horse (gelding) so it doesn't seem…
  • Thanks everyone! That's about what I thought about the situation...if it works then stick with it, but wanted to get some outside input to back it up. It was all fine before, I just never told my doctor I switched to the generic after she ranted about staying on the Synthroid, but when they went to refill it the pharmacy…
  • I kindof agree some are high. I guess for someone not used to doing the various horse related activities it would be strenuous, but for those of us that groom, muck, feed, ride, etc. on a regular basis and are used to it we probably don't burn that many calories (if I burned that much mucking and grooming I'd be skinny as…
  • Hi! My name is Kristen. I'm KW on Coth, but like most of you I am also pretty much a lurker there. I had this app on my iphone and my friend, Susan (curbappeal) invited me to join this group since I'm on coth as well. :) I'm 5'6" and 255lb and would like to get back to 150lb eventually but will be happy to get to 175. I…