MiracleMiles Member


  • I would have to agree with the other lady that said you ARE gorgeous and you don't need someone in your life to validate your beauty. You have to love yourself before you can love another; if your significant other can't appreciate you for who you are (fat or thin), the problem ISN"T YOU. Anyone who consistently finds…
  • I would have to agree on the consensus here. If you are young, healthy and your BMI isn't in the morbidly obese range, your body may not be getting enough subsistence. I am on a 1300 calories full liquid diet which was Dr. ordered after my heart attack because I have to lose over 100 pds in order to avoid a life…
  • My bad, I'm sorry. I thought maybe I would just see some of the suggestions and try to modify the exercises down without bringing up my knee. You're right, I should have mentioned it to begin with. :smile:
  • Thanks for the advice everyone. :happy: I have been doing squats, but I didn't know about deadlifts. I have a left knee that is pretty tore up from an accident, which kind of limits me as far as the amount of lunges and squats I can do. My physical therapist showed me this one move, where you kind of stand straight and…
  • I am going to incorporate your suggestions into my daily routine and see how it works out. I have the weight watcher's "Belly, Bust and Thighs" workout, which includes a few squats and lunges. I wish I could find a dvd that focuses a little more on this area, it seems difficult to snag one. Thanks for the suggestions!…
  • Terrific, I am going straight there! :smile:
  • Oh that is awesome, thank you so much for letting me know! :happy:
  • I have been tracking my waist, neck, and hips on here since I signed up a couple days ago. One thing about weight watchers that is different from this site is that you could track arms, thighs, bust, and dress size in addition to what is offered on MFP. Their progress report for tracking were a lot more attractive and…
  • I am on a 1.700 calorie diet that is high in protein. I try to limit my carbs significantly, which is something weight watchers never really stressed and another reason why I am ditching their program when my subscription runs out. This site is actually working for me because I can monitor my intake more diligently and…
  • I agree with your opinion on weight watchers 100%. They are a business out to make money off of people and that is exactly what they design their program to do. I've been with them for a month and it didn't take me long to figure out their system is a flawed science-- not to say that people can't lose weight on the…
  • That's awesome! I wish I looked like that right about now. Any tips or advice to give to the rest of us?
  • Hi Patty, I have a 10 year old daughter too. I have never been in really great shape and have always battled with my weight. I come from a family of emotional eaters and over eaters, so on the being fit/healthy for a majority of my life note I can't relate but I can sympathize with how hard it is to lose in your mid 30's.…
  • I reward myself weekly by eating out and eating something I really enjoy. I will eat extremely light for the entire day that I know I am going to do this and make sure I have enough calories within my limit to cover it. If I feel guilty about it, I don't fret over it-- I just exercise after I eat it because I know I will…
  • I love cooking healthy and posting recipes on my status updates. Favorite desert is an all egg white angel food cake made with Splenda and a fresh fruit mango puree drizzled over the top, with a dollop of fat free cool whip. Divine and guilt free!
  • I hear that! I have been on weight watchers for a month and lost 9 pds., but the meetings are terribly unproductive and lame. I wait in line for an hour to get weighed, all so I can get some retarded star passed out to me and have people clap if I lose 5 pds. I am also diabetic and I am really disappointed by the fact that…