Losing more inches than weight?

Every week I weigh myself and in addition to that, I measure every inch of my body (hips, waist, bust, arms, thighs, and neck). I have found that I am losing far more inches than pounds. I actually look more forward to measuring myself now, than weighing in. I was wondering if anyone else measures weekly and has seen similar results, if so, can anyone explain why?


  • sfoster3171982
    sfoster3171982 Posts: 76 Member
    I am having the same thing happen to me. I lost 85 inches last year and only lost 24 lbs so I havent weighed myself in a while and just focused on the inches because I became obsessed with what the scale wasn't telling me and got stressed. So I gave my scale to my mom who can't give it back to me till May 2012 which will be one year since I started this whole adventure.

    I want to say it's a plateau because I don't have much junk in my house and stick to organic foods so I am not sure what is up. Even my trainer is trying to figure it out.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    This is a good thing! Optimal!
    Stick with it!

    Are you both on high calorie diets?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Every week I weigh myself and in addition to that, I measure every inch of my body (hips, waist, bust, arms, thighs, and neck). I have found that I am losing far more inches than pounds. I actually look more forward to measuring myself now, than weighing in. I was wondering if anyone else measures weekly and has seen similar results, if so, can anyone explain why?


    Building your muscles up perhaps if exercising.

    Curious, do you use MFP's tracking ability for other measurements besides weight?
    If so, do you find it annoying there is no nice way to look at all the results at once, or in table format?
  • MiracleMiles
    MiracleMiles Posts: 19 Member
    This is a good thing! Optimal!
    Stick with it!

    Are you both on high calorie diets?

    I am on a 1.700 calorie diet that is high in protein. I try to limit my carbs significantly, which is something weight watchers never really stressed and another reason why I am ditching their program when my subscription runs out. This site is actually working for me because I can monitor my intake more diligently and adjust as I go. The only thing that kind of frustrates me is the fact that we can't customize out daily intake ( or at least I don't think we can). If we can, I haven't been able to figure it out.
  • MiracleMiles
    MiracleMiles Posts: 19 Member
    Every week I weigh myself and in addition to that, I measure every inch of my body (hips, waist, bust, arms, thighs, and neck). I have found that I am losing far more inches than pounds. I actually look more forward to measuring myself now, than weighing in. I was wondering if anyone else measures weekly and has seen similar results, if so, can anyone explain why?


    Building your muscles up perhaps if exercising.

    Curious, do you use MFP's tracking ability for other measurements besides weight?
    If so, do you find it annoying there is no nice way to look at all the results at once, or in table format?

    I have been tracking my waist, neck, and hips on here since I signed up a couple days ago. One thing about weight watchers that is different from this site is that you could track arms, thighs, bust, and dress size in addition to what is offered on MFP. Their progress report for tracking were a lot more attractive and beneficial. It's a minor issue to me, considering I get to use this site for free and I am not going bankrupt paying WW a small fortune for their otherwise crappy e-tools.

    Before transferring over from WW, I lost 9 inches on my waist-- I work out at least twice a day, doing a 30 minute Yoga or Pilates. I generally do cardio workouts in the evening for 20-30 minutes. I definitely feel firmer and more in shape. I hope this is contributing to the inches I've lost because it definitely creates more of an incentive. :)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    this is me as well. i've only lost about 10 pounds so far since i've started tracking at the beginning of december, but i've lost around 20 inches total. i'm also eating more calories than MFP says i should but it's high protein, high veggies and fruits and low carbs only because in november i found out i had gluten sensitivities and had to cut out the only starchy carbs i like eating (noodles, pizza dough, cake :-) )

    i'm also doing a majority of high intensity workouts like sprints, kickboxing and tabata style strength training, so i'm pretty sure what i'm seeing is a decrease in fat since a pound of fat takes way more volume than a pound of muscle.

    in the past 2 months i've definitely become stronger, my body looks different, my high blood pressure is gone and my cardiovascular fitness has greatly improved, so even if i'm not seeing the difference on the scale, it's definitely different for people who see me.

    i was also thinking about throwing away the scale and looking for something that measures body fat loss. after all, if i end up in a size 4/6 but have only lost 40 pounds instead of 80, who cares what the scale says.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    This is a good thing! Optimal!
    Stick with it!

    Are you both on high calorie diets?

    I am on a 1.700 calorie diet that is high in protein. I try to limit my carbs significantly, which is something weight watchers never really stressed and another reason why I am ditching their program when my subscription runs out. This site is actually working for me because I can monitor my intake more diligently and adjust as I go. The only thing that kind of frustrates me is the fact that we can't customize out daily intake ( or at least I don't think we can). If we can, I haven't been able to figure it out.

    settings>goal>change goal>custom>continue.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    The only thing that kind of frustrates me is the fact that we can't customize out daily intake ( or at least I don't think we can). If we can, I haven't been able to figure it out.

    Home - Goals - Change Goals - Custom - there you go for daily calorie goal, and macro nutrients and a few other things.

    Also, you mentioned WW allowed other stats. When you go to Check-In, you can Change Measurements and add a whole bunch, not sure the limit. I've got 9.

  • MiracleMiles
    MiracleMiles Posts: 19 Member
    Oh that is awesome, thank you so much for letting me know! :happy:
  • MiracleMiles
    MiracleMiles Posts: 19 Member
    Terrific, I am going straight there! :smile: