

  • Try the website has lots of free videos that you can watch online!
  • Do it! My sister and I have taken a few classes and it's a lot of fun! We're totally not coordinated-I swear we burn just as many calories laughing at ourselves as we do moving! A good instructor will get you through it!
  • congratulations! i remember my first mile-it's not a small thing!
  • I agree about the protein. I always hear that fiber fills you up, but for some reason it doesn't work for me. Instead I make sure I add some protein to my meals, and that helps curb the hunger!
  • I went through therapy for my back a few years ago, PT also suggested strengthening the core. He also had me do a lot of stretches that worked my quads and hamstrings-they always help when my back and hips are hurting.
  • I worked with one through my gym, about every week for a year or so. It definitely helped-through him I got in the best shape of my life and learned a lot about diet and exercise. It kept me motivated to work hard even when I was working out without him, because I knew he would be able to tell if I had been slacking off in…
  • Not sure if you're looking for snacks or a meal, but there's a "Hungry Girl" recipe for cheeseburgers that has you stuff Laughing Cow cheese inside the burger before cooking it-they are pretty tasty!
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