AngelaLang24 Member


  • I was recently diagnosed with Celiac's and had almost no symptoms. It was by chance that my endocrinologist tested me. DO NOT go gluten-free if you plan to have a blood test. You need to be eating gluten containing foods for the test to be accurate.
  • Normal weight loss after recovering from an ED is a very slippery slope. I'm learning that myself as I try to lose "baby" weight. I have been "recovered" from anorexia and bulimia for nearly 8 years, but since starting this weight loss journey, I still feel those old feelings creeping back. My advice is, if you think you…
  • Thanks so much for everyone's advice and input! There is a local store that my husband goes to to get fitted for his work boots. I will start there. In the meantime, I'm going to keep speed walking and biking for exercise :-)
  • I'm in a similar situation...was trying to lose weight from baby #3 and got pregnant with baby #4. Baby weight is hard to lose!! Feel free to add me for support!