Drsmh Member


  • Hey, I am just now seeing the post. Sorry! My blood work came back terrible in Jan. and had been as far back as 2010. In 2010 they looked at liver w/ ultrasound and said fatty liver. This Jan. mynumbers were worse. So I went on a major "change my life" crusade....working on losing 65 pounds, watching and counting…
  • Yes, I just found out that virtually ALL cold cuts, even the expensive behind the counter cuts that say low sodium, have WAY too much sodium for me to even think about using. SO, I now have moved to totally forgetting about meat...going w/ off vine tomatoes, tsp of the low fat olive oil mayo by Kraft.
  • I am new. Everyone keeps talking about the 30 day shred and I am clueless to what that is....other than it must be really difficult exercise.
  • Thanks for your note. I wondered about my "suggested" protein level. I am getting a red negative almost daily but I am not totaly wolfing down piles of protein.
  • Love my coffee, but since I started diet, only have 1 cup now. Plus, I read somewhere that if any problem w/ fatty liver, coffee may not be a good thing.
  • Yeah, I lost a few years ago and am back to losing again. clearly, I will have to stay more focused on maintenance once the weight is lost.
  • Hey, When you say you have cut out salt, does this mean you eat no processed foods? I am new and am going the route of counting calories. I was wondering about things like Lean Cuisine but I think those are high in calories?
  • Thanks for the reply. I actually carry most of my extra weight in the middle. Hips and legs have never been much of a problem. Everything settles in the middle. Drives me insane.
  • Hi, Thanks for the reply! I am new to the website. Found it last night. I started diet today. Although I knew I needed to get moving and start eating better, going to the Dr. and getting my bloodwork numbers was the push I needed. Are you doing anything specific or doing portion control? I am thinking I will count…