Diet and blood work

Drsmh Posts: 11 Member
Has anyone had any experience with whether weight loss will improve "fatty liver"? I know there are some specific things i have to do, but I'm wondering if dropping weight will improve.


  • mrsyarnlady
    Yes losing weight and getting healthier WILL improve a "fatty" liver too. When I was fit before all my numbers went into the healthy zone from the "wow that's scary" zone.
  • Drsmh
    Drsmh Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, Thanks for the reply! I am new to the website. Found it last night. I started diet today. Although I knew I needed to get moving and start eating better, going to the Dr. and getting my bloodwork numbers was the push I needed. Are you doing anything specific or doing portion control? I am thinking I will count calories. This is easier for me. I'm afraid if I only do portion control, I will want to eat very small portions of items which still have a large amount of calories and fat. In the People Mag.weightloss issue, one lady said she diets 6 days and eats whatever she wants 1 day a week but in small portions. I'm thinking this sounds pretty good. I cannot believe the number of calories in fruits and vegetables.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    There was a thread on this a few weeks ago. Seems that exercise (especially) and cutting out the alcohol make a difference. Also eating well and getting down to a good body weight.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I understand that it's often tied to diet and exercise. Getting the belly weight off is really important. This is a great site and glad that you found it!
  • Drsmh
    Drsmh Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for the reply. I actually carry most of my extra weight in the middle. Hips and legs have never been much of a problem. Everything settles in the middle. Drives me insane.
  • flibberdajibbitt
    flibberdajibbitt Posts: 52 Member
    I was diagnosed with fatty liver about 15 yrs ago. I had lost 70lbs and my liver had recovered. Unfortunately, I've gained the weight back here I am!
  • Drsmh
    Drsmh Posts: 11 Member
    Yeah, I lost a few years ago and am back to losing again. clearly, I will have to stay more focused on maintenance once the weight is lost.