bellabananas Member


  • Can I join you two? I'm 28, 5 feet, starting at 150 and want to get to a normal bmi (so 120s). How have you guys been doing?
  • I'm down! I just posted in the insanity group. I'm planning on starting next week.
  • Bodymedia has a product called Link that tracks your calorie burn throughout the day. I bought myself one for Xmas and I love it. It's actually tested and proven to be accurate (unless the trackers that use steps to estimate burn) and it's actually a medical grade device. I have mine connected to mfp so I track my intake…
  • Have you heard of the oil cleansing method? If not, google it. Nothing took care of my blackheads like it. I haven't been as consistent with my skincare but after a thorough cleanse my blackheads are almost gone again. It keeps my skin balanced no matter what the season.
  • Sometimes what helps me is really breaking down my goals, even into one week increments. I have been struggling with consistency and on Monday I made weekly weight loss goals. I have been doing much better this week and feel confident about making my goal tomorrow! I also set up rewards, not always for weight loss but for…
  • I did the shred several years ago and loved my results. Make sure to take a rest day (especially since you are also doing cardio) so that your body can recover. Each level is hard at first but seems easy/boring for the last few.
  • Thanks! My weight finally started going down and that's helping a ton too.
  • I'm really glad I read this post because I've been struggling with feeling like I'm not seeing any results. But if I'll be seeing that with month two then I can hold out for that!
  • Hi everyone! I'm finishing week three today. I've done the first month a couple of times but was always intimidated but the second month and quit for various reasons. Not this time! I'm determined to complete it!
  • For me it depends. If I have a day off coming up then I do two on the day off. This week I missed my Tuesday workout so I'm just doing my workouts one day later. So today (Sunday) I am working out instead of having a rest day. Sometimes I'll catch up by working out in the morning and after work. I'm finishing the third…
  • These pictures are so motivating! If I could figure out technology I would post a pic from high school but I'm not tech savvy enough.
  • I have worked for Starbucks so I'm pretty sure I can give you an accurate answer. Egg nog lattes are unlike the rest of Starbucks drinks in the sense that they're made with actual egg nog mixed with milk. Usual lattes are made with milk and syrup. Skinny is misused by many customers, which began with the skinny vanilla…
  • We are getting married on September 15th, 2012 in Chicago, IL at Revolution Brewery. I won't be doing my dress fittings until the end of July so that's when I want to reach my goal weight. I'm currently 143 (down from about 190) and want to get down to 120 for the wedding. My dress is a size larger to fit my bust so I'm…