littlecar1 Member


  • Hi Sylvie Having read your story, I feel as if I am in the same kind of place that you are. My weight has been creeping up and up over the years, having dieted off and on it always goes back on. I used to be relatively fit and did lots of walking, but have been getting lazied and lazier over time. Today I walked into town…
  • The Grinch who stole Christmas
  • Sorry for being ignorant, I am very new to trying the whole Paleo thing, but what is a whole 30?
  • Hi It's been my first day too. I cleared out my fridge this morning (although there wasn't a lot in there!). I think I have done ok today, I have had about 77g of carbs, 82g fat and 69g protein, although if anyone would like to tell me this is wrong then please feel free, as I'm still getting to grips with what I should be…
  • When I'm back on the wagon I always plan my meals. Part of my problem is that I'm tired when I get in from work & I eat whatever crap I can find, so if I plan my meals & only buy what I need then I have no choice but to eat healthy! I use a lot of recipes from BBC Good food website, and as I am also on a budget, I use a…
  • I'm a restarter on here, having lost about 3 stone a few years ago, and of course put it all back on. I am now firmly back on the wagon and welcome any support to help me on my way.
  • 244 - heading in the wrong direction by 4 lbs due to a weekend of grossly excessive alcohol consumption which led to grossly excessive food consumption! *sighs and climbs back onto the passing wagon*
  • Wow, amazing weight loss.
  • I had a week where I didn't lose, so I had a week with no fasting days & sure enough, lost about 4lbs that week. The following week went back to fasting for a couple of days (I am doing 24 hour fasts) & lost 5lbs. I think our bodies just need a change every now and again to jump start them. Good luck for this week.
  • 240! Woohoo, 5 lbs down on last week!!!!:happy:
  • I'm ravenous on a morning, always have been. I could never be one of those people who doesn't eat until lunch time.
  • I have just bought my first one. I've never worn one before & I have been a real hypocrite as I am a foster carer & have always made the children that I look after wear one. Thought I'd better start leading by example!
  • You can change it by clicking on the settings, so if you want to track one particular aspect such as sodium, fibre etc you can. As already said though, they are not always accurate.
  • I loved this programme - I've never watched one of their series before. At the end of the day they were doing it for a TV show, so they had an added incentive to lose as much as possible to make it look good and sell more books. Many of the ideas that they had were common sense, things like cutting out the booze to cut…
  • When I actually go to exercise classes I always go alone. I have found it easier if I go to the instructor & tell them that it's my first time. They have always been very friendly & they make sure that I'm are doing things right. Be brave & go for it - you'll feel so much better once you have.
  • It's a great feeling when that happens isn't it. I have so many clothes stored in boxes that represent all the different weights I've been over the last 5 years, & I am already fitting into some of them. Great work, keep it up.
    in NSV Comment by littlecar1 September 2012
  • Try white tea, I find it less bitter than green tea. I don't think either of them particularly help with weight loss other than saving a few calories as I don't put milk in like I would with normal tea.
  • I have a Polar HRM & wear Enell sports bras & I have no problem. I tuck the HRM strap completely under my bra strap so it's right under my boobs.
  • I track fibre and sodium. I have a tendency to have highish blood pressure, so I keep an eye on my salt intake, plus I sometimes struggle to eat enough fibre so it helps me to focus. I used to track iron but I was so far off it (not matter what I ate) that it was a bit pointless.
  • 245 lbs, the same as I was last week. Hopefully this will give me a boost to shift those stubborn scales!
  • My bpm has been that high on quite a few occasions when I have exercised hard, but it always comes back down quickly and I have never felt light headed. Maybe time to check with your doctor. Things like low blood pressure can cause light headedness I believe, so definitely worth getting it checked.
  • I make stuff in my slow cooker, makes loads & uses cheap ingredients & cuts of meat. I eat one meal from it & freeze the rest. Works out really cheap. I use veg that is in season & cheap in the shops to make fresh soups, again freezing some of it. Homemade smoothies using own brand orange juice & frozen berries which are…
  • If you don't mind cooking a bit on weekends then why not prepare 2/3 large dishes, then freeze them. It's relatively easy to throw together bolognaise sauce, curry etc. Then all you need to do is zap them in the microwave on an evening, & either do salad or use some frozen veggies.
  • I think the key thing to eating cheaply is planning. Earlier this year my income stopped for a while, so I had to save money, & I definitely ate more healthily during that period then normal, but that was because i planned what I was going to eat. I used my slow cooker to make large meals bulked out with loads & loads of…
  • I have a couple of Enell ones. They are expensive, but so worth it. Feel a bit weird to put on as it's done up by what seems like dozens of hooks & eyes at the front and they seem to squash my boobs, but they are very comfortable and give fantastic support. Thoroughly recommend them.
  • I use a polar as well & love it, although I have found that the calories calculated by MFP are very accurate, usually within 10%.
  • I am new to this community, but have been using the website/app for a few weeks, & would love to join this group as I know that if I do exercise then I lose weight. 4/2 Mon 55 mins cycling 4/3 Tues 119 mins walking 4/4 Weds 71 mins walking 4/5 Thurs 88 mins cycling and aerobics 4/6 Fri nothing at all! 4/7 Sat 133 mins…