boydmist Member


  • Thinking im hitting a plateau and cant figure out how to get past it. Any ideas ladies?
  • I have about 91lbs more to go to my goal. I love making new friends And give and get advice and motiviation. From ohio here:)
  • I know its a lifestyle change. I just have to make sure i dont go back to Food for comfort. My personal opinion is that I needed somethjng to hold me Accountable so I can start losing. I dont think i will win that competition but i will feel like a winner because the scale will move:)
  • Where is everyone from? Im from southern ohio:) im up for having more friends on here so i can get encouraged and maybe even learn some new recipes. Being on a diet makes me hate chicken.. Lol, i eat so much of it. I work a full time job plus have a little hobby/job on the side helping my daughter make shirts. I have 2…
  • I joined a contest at work to hold me accountable. So far everyone has lost but because it goes off % total lost im losing even though I have lost the most weight:( its hard to stay on track
  • I have about 86lbs left to go. I started with 100lbs to go but slowly it is coming off. I entered myself in a contest to lose weight at work to hold me accountable for my actions. Food has always been my crutch. It always made me feel better about myself and now im learning to change those habits. I do get unmotivated from…
  • Thanks so much for all the help:) i appreciate it:)
  • Eat not meet.. Sorry
  • I used food as a crutch for a long time and now I find myself aiming for a goal of 100lb weight loss. It has already been a bumpy journey with on and offs but this year I am def moving towards a healthier lifestyle:) having my fitness pal holds me accountable and meeting people along the way makes it fun:)
  • Hi im stephanie. I want to lose 100 pounds. I really just started this week. Encouragement is always nice. So far i have lost 4 pounds this week:) proud of myself:)