

  • It's hard to say the exact amount of calories burnt, thats why I use a heart rate monitor. I burn approx. 250-350 cals during interval training by doing 20 mins: 30 seconds all out sprint (nearly falling off the treadmill) then jog for recovery for 60 seconds, X 8 reps. You keep burning fat after your workout for between…
  • http://www.lovetheburnblog.com/exercises/hiit-high-intensity-interval-training/
    in Cardio Comment by gconz January 2012
  • Definitely start doing interval training, i much prefer it to cardio because it burns fat instead of just calories and there's a 24-48 time period after you do interval type training wher your metabolic rate remains increased which means more fat burning. People adapt to cardio quickly which means your body is then able to…
    in Cardio Comment by gconz January 2012
  • Drink peppermint tea for bloating! Wouldnt buy into the detox pills. Just do a natural detox for approx. 5 days by staying away from dairy, wheat and sugars, but eat loaaaaaddss of fruit and veg etc...
    in detox? Comment by gconz January 2012