

  • Hi! I love your dedication. I hear you about straining things. I had the neck strain, too. I put some muscle soothing stuff on it that I got at the drugstore and it really helped it stop hurting. I'm on day 14 (day of rest), but it starts in tomorrow. I do feel good when I'm done, but i procrastinate like crazy! I'm going…
  • No you're not too late. I'm on day 8 now. Just start today & we can "friend" each other & report in to each other's wall each day about how the workout went that day. I have to say that yesterday was easier by far than day one (so my body must be adjusting). Yay! Also, i decided to take two Advils before turning in because…
  • A friend of mine told me how to get my weight loss ticker to show at the bottom of my posts, so now it shows. Yay. Day four for Rockn' body. I didn't get a chance to start until 10:30 pm & I felt like crying, I was so tired. I thought it was going to be the workout plus the extra bonus workout (a short one like last…
  • Yay! You're on ;) Ok, today is day 4. I'm not doing his eating plan, just his excercise calendar. Which plan are you not doing? His eating or workout calendar? I have to say, my feet were killing me last night w/ the dancing (felt like i was getting blisters) and i don't like the bouncing (need to get a better bra that…
  • Today is day three of my 30 day Shaun T Rockin' body challenge. Last night I was so tired and didn't have a chance to work out till almost 10pm :( It sucked. I get up at 5:30 M - F. I hope tonight is easier. It looks like another 45 minute deal though.... boo. I've got to find a way to get to it sooner. I'm determined to…
  • Hey Jessica. Would you or anyone you know on here like to support each other in the 30 day Shaun T challenge? I'm on day three and i feel daunted already :( I'd love to get some support. We can check in here each day & say what day we're on & cheer each other on. What do you think?
  • Can you tell me how I can get my weight ticker to show up at the bottom of my posts like yours? :D thanks!
  • That's a good idea. Thanks!
  • I'd also love to know how to log these different Rockn' Body work outs. I had to totally guess how to log in that 15 minute beginner one last night. There has to be a way to calculate these, taking into consideration our weight & age (?). I'm going to hunt around and see if I can find a solution.
  • Hey Jessica, can you tell me how to get my weight-loss ticker to show up at the bottom of my posts like yours does? thnks :happy:
  • Hi Jessica! I got my kit yesterday and did the 15 minute "mark & move". I got the last one on Amazon that they were selling for 48% off ($27.00). I'm going to commit myself to the 30 day plan that's laid out in the calendar. I'm excited! A little nervous that I won't be able to keep up (I feel SO out of shape), but I'm at…
  • Hi. I'm on day two as well. I'm already feeling a bit better & I'm going to do the whole 21 days. It certainly is better that what i'm doing now, which is a lot of soy milk & products, diet drinks & fake surgar, etc. I'm excited to see how this goes. How is it going for you? s
  • OMG! I'm SO inspired!! Thanks for posting your success! I'm with the others & would also LOVE to know how you did it. Would you mind posting your story? Like, what inspired you, how you stayed motivated, any and all tips & tricks that helped you reach your goals... Also, what basic food plan did you do & what work out…
  • Are those your pups? They are too cute!! The one on the left looks like the Lasa Apso I had as a child ;)
  • Yep me too! I decided to stop expecting their support after being heartbroken many times. I just didn't get it & couldn't wrap my head around what was happening for awhile. I just knew I felt badly & unmotivated when I got home from visiting w/ my friends. At first I was being cheered on to set & try to reach fitness goals…
  • That's fantastic. Congratulations! only 10 more to go.... keep going!!! you're inspiring :flowerforyou:
  • Right with you. Keep going. You'll eventually get there. You can take a break if you need to and just eat at your maintenance #'s for the weight you are now for a couple of weeks, then come back strong. Also, I heard that you body slows down once it figures out that it's been slowly losing weight over a few months, and…
  • I heard a great podcast on iTunes about overcoming plateaus that was great. It's on the Fat 2 Fit podcasts. I dont' remember the # of the show, but you can read through the show descriptions to find it. It sounded much less painful than you'd think to break through it! Keep going ladies!
  • Great advice. Thank you! I found the difference in your calories from different sources very interesting! thanks for sharing w/ us.
  • Has anyone listened to the Fat 2 Fit podcasts on iTunes? It's really great. Influenced by what they talked about in a podcast, I'm logging in my notes on my Food Diary 4 things based on a scale of 1 to 10: 1) Food Goals 2) Exercise Goals 3) Motivation: & finally 4) Feeling: (how you're feeling that day, ie. tired, sad,…
  • I'm with you, too! I've been struggling w/ the same 10 -15 lbs for years and I'm only 5 ft tall, so it looks more like 20 -30 lbs on me. ugh. I decided to do it once and for all this year. It's my bday gift to myself & I'm ready & committed to be in my fittest, strongest & healthiest body! Today is day 3 (eek) & I'm…
  • I love the Fat 2 Fit podcasts, too! That's how I found out about MFP & they've motivated me tremendously... That being said, their Calorie Calculator (including projected per week workouts) has me eating almost 500 calories more that the MFP calculator.... Does anyone have an opinion as to which one I should go with? If I…
  • Thank you so much! :flowerforyou:
  • I added you! Welcome :flowerforyou:
  • OMG! I figured it out!!! Thanks for all your help & the link back to my fitness goals! I actually told the fitness calculator that I wanted to GAIN .5 lbs a week instead of LOSE! I was really tired when I was setting it up (sheesh!). And I gotta say, my calorie total for the day is now quite different. eek! I thought it…
  • Oh, thank you for the link! perfect :smile:
  • Hi! thank you for your help ;) I'll go back to the questionaire (now that I know the way) & check it out again. I was under my calorie intake for the day w/ the excercise added. When I set up the #'s, it told me I would LOSE .5lbs a week so I was shocked to see the GAIN 1.5 lbs in 5 weeks! eek! I'd love to friend you but…
  • Hi! thanks so much for replying :smile: yes I did excercise & was under my calorie intake...
  • Hello. I'd love to add you, but I'm so new that I don't know how to "add" (eek!). could you tell me how to do that? I stayed up til 2am last night getting set up & was even going to excercise at that time because I was so committed that I figured I'd hit the "complete the entry" button for this day (I had already put in…