Arrofalcon Member


  • Be precise. And weigh your meat AFTER you've cooked it. Some of that may be water weight that is lost during cooking (you wouldn't weigh rice after you've cooked it because its full of water. The reverse works for meat too).
  • It's all about energy in vs energy out. Basic thermodynamics. I'm doing IF right now for my cut, but that's only because it's convenient for me. I would never do a 16/8 or 20/4 or whatever variation of IF if I was trying to bulk. That being said, its a wonderful tool to control hunger! My off season calories were up near…
  • Unless your bodyfat is sub 18% for a female, I don't think you have to worry about this.
  • It doesn't matter what kind of carbs you eat. Carbs are carbs. You can eat a piece of chocolate cake, but realize that those 50g of sugary carbs can be better BUDGETED if you eat a full cup of oatmeal (which will keep you feeling more full for a LOT longer than that one piece of cake). It just depends on how you want to…