strawberry25shortcake Member


  • First of all- great job! 19lbs...that is amazing! Well done! As for the healthy weight or even healthy weight in general, I really don't know what to say. Foe me it has always been the way I felt in my own skin. I don't care about the numbers but rather go by the way I feel. So, some people might tell you 135, some might…
  • I am Croatian and in my family the motto was (and still is): The greasier, the better. I partly think because this is a cheaper way to eat and people over there can't afford healthier foods. Isn't that sad? When you think about it, here in the US, a bag of chips is cheaper than a head of cauliflower...:huh:
  • My ganglion usually feels better straight vs. bent. I guess position your knee in the way it feels ok and doesn't hurt:smile:
  • What are your workouts? I recommend weight training for toning and firming up:smile:
  • I personally watch carbs and calories. Carbs make me feel bloated and yucky...AND they make me gain weight.
  • Try is AMAZING!
  • Give it to someone else for a couple of months...or forever:-) and rely on how you feel and how your clothes fit rather than on what the stupid numbers are saying!
  • I absolutely HATE the elliptical; it is boring and doesn't give accurate heart rate/speed/calories burned. I got "stiff hips" syndrome after using it. A big NO-NO in my eyes...but that's just my opinion on it.
  • Why are you having those treats? You don't need them!!! You are probably having them because you want them and that is something you need to tell yourself- that you don't need them. Try to set a goal to have one treat on Sunday for example- as a reward for not having any during the week. Are you working out? If so, then…
  • My friends told me about it and got us the free tickets...Is there any information/search options on the movie website?
  • I will...thanks for the recommendations!
  • Thanks everyone for responding...I'll have to figure something out!
  • Thanks for the reply...I will go in and manually change my goals (1350 according to my fitness pal in order to maintain my weight). 1600 minimum with P90X you say? And, yes, that is what I'm doing for my workouts. Thanks for the feedback!
  • Hummus Wild Garden Roasted Red Pepper at Target is HEAVEN! I have it every am with my toast and eggs...mmm.
  • :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I AM ADDICTED TO CHEWING GUM!!!But, it doesn't change the amount of food I eat...I just have to chew the gum at all times; especially during the intense school days. Otherwise, i chew on my nails and that is not pretty...:noway:
  • I read the book and honestly...I think those two are rude! ! ! That's all I gotta say...I don't think it's worth it just as I don't think they are the ones doing the diet either...Listen to your body and focus on balance...extreme is not good:wink:
  • Heeeey!!!! It's just water weight- no worries. It'll be gone before you know it! I can sometimes fluctuate up to 5 lbs in two days...yeah, not too happy about it, but if it comes in one day, it will go in one day too.
  • Hey! Welcome to the club! I have personally experienced the "movement" after increasing my daily protein intake. For years I have been loading up on fiber, but that only made me feel bloated and even more constipated. Then I backed off on fruits (I still eat one serving/day) and bread (still eat one but kicked…
  • I confess I just had three glasses of wine (well, in the last 5 hours) I confess I ate a whole bag of chips last night (and felt awful about it today) I confess I am about to eat some Nutella right now...need something sweet I confess I go over my fats every single day...easily. I confess I love this thread and it makes me…
  • I hear ya:grumble: I don't know what got into me last night, but I opened a bag of chips and sure enough finished it as well. I feel like crap today. But, like you said; today is a new day. I just completed my yoga X workout and will boil some eggs for breakfast. Have a great day and good luck:flowerforyou:
  • Great Grains Crunchy Pecan...mmmm:tongue:
  • I would say listen to your body, eat when you are hungry and until feeling satisfied, but not full. I never log in my workouts (no extra calories) and it works out just fine.
  • Hey...why is it bad to sleep on your tummy? Well, no matter how bad it is- it is the most comfortable position to sleep whatever:laugh: 1. I should be studying Earth Science and completing my lab exercise, but I am surfing the net instead 2. I had an apple, although it makes my stomach hurt,…
  • 3 egg whites 1/c cup cottage cheese 2oz hickory smoked turkey 1 slice whole wheat bread 1 tbs sun-dried tomato hummus 6oz coffee 1/2 cup 1% milk Happy Monday:drinker:
  • ...I deal with same issues when going back home to Croatia. What I usually do is give myself one day to have my favorite type of food or a treat. That way I still get to experience what I have been missing here in the States, but don't overeat and beat myself up about it later. Remember, it is about the choices you make,…
  • The time is going to vary from person to person. I, for example, can work out (any kind of workout) 30 minutes after eating, where as my husband has to wait at least an hour- hour and a half. You'll have to play with it and see what works better for you. You can always have just a little snack an hour before and then a…
  • This is exactly why I bought heart rate/calorie monitor to know where I'm at. I don't think it is possible for two completely different people (age, sex, weight, endurance level etc.) to do the same exercise for the same time period and to burn the same amount of just doesn't make sense.
  • Honestly...I go over my calories every single day. I mean, it is nice to keep your calorie intake count, but we are all human and life is not perfect. Don't beat yourself up-it's OK. It's not about the numbers, but about the choices and eating healthy instead of junk food.
  • Welcome to MyFitnessPal:drinker: You can do this! Try setting small goal first...not just to lose pounds, but to make better food choices and get some exercise into your schedule... Start with a week and then gradually expand your time limit until it becomes a habit and a new lifestyle! We are all here to help you stay…
  • Good Luck!!!