

  • You can get them online (amazon, ebay, ect..) for like $200 (a lot have free shipping). im sure thats waht ill be doing
  • we are doing an outside wedding at/in a barn so we were going to just do pizzas and salad, but have recently decided to have a friend grill pizzas over an open fire (at the wedding location) and then my dad is going to grill burgers and hot dogs! fingers crossed that it will go as planned but i am SO excited! it'll be more…
  • I fake bake for many reasons... i live in MN where it is winter like ALL YEAR LONG so i fake bake for 1. the extra sunlight (sun therapy) i go after work and it gives me that 2nd wind to finish the day. 2. i feel more confidant and more beautiful when i have some color to my skin. Its not hard to not turn orange when you…
  • all of these amazing stories make me so proud of everyone but so scared that i cant do it... idk if my body will change like that...
  • THANKS :)
  • 240 a year ago... i have lost 30lbs since then with WW and have now joined MFP to get rid of that extra 50-60 so i can be high school skinny again!!! Ive been on MFP for 2 weeks now and ive lost 8lbs! :D IM ON MY WAY!!!!
  • im doing it right now im 15 days in and have lost 8lbs and 2 inches off my bust, 2 off my waist, and 2 off of each thigh. im super happy with the results and would do it again in a heart beat! best $15 ive ever spent! (including $5 for the weights) haha
  • haha actually the reason i started MFP was because i went to get a breast reduction but insurance wouldnt cover it because of my height and weight the amount of boob they wanted to remove was MY ENTIRE BREAST! (i have DDs)... so a nice nurse lady looked at the chart and said that if i lost 50lbs and none in my chest i…