Whole Body Vibration

How many of you out there have tried it? I have just begun doing it and will definitely have more to say on the subject after a month. In the meantime, check out www.zaazstudios.com, I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts!


  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Haha I wouldn't mind some whole body vibration now that I'm single again....:bigsmile:
  • gonna_do_it_56
    gonna_do_it_56 Posts: 206 Member
    Is this the same as the power plate? I usd iit regularly few years ago [ new gym only has one and hard to get on it] and I thought it toned up well...certainly felt better after using it...
  • kkcruickshank
    kkcruickshank Posts: 59 Member
    I don't know what the power plate is but the company promoting the machine claim that "10 minutes on the machine is equal to an hour at the gym." Some of the benefits include weight-loss, toning & firming, increased circulation....pretty amazing, if its true.
  • hongruss
    hongruss Posts: 389 Member
    Power Plate, Vibro Gym, etc they are all much the same. I used to use one at the gym & I think they are amazing. I mainly used it for balance work, one legged postures & press ups with a stability ball or ab work (knee to chest) hands on vibro & feet on stability ball, I found them great for all type of planks, etc.

    It is the one piece of equipment I miss from the gym:cry:

  • kkcruickshank
    kkcruickshank Posts: 59 Member
    The company that runs the studios, Zaaz, also has them for sale for in-home use. They seem pretty affordable with their payment plan. If I see results after a month I might consider buying one.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    So, you stand on something and it vibrates?

    They had something similar in the 70's. I remember my grandparents had one. Total fad. Didn't do anything at all. All marketing hype.

    I'm not saying this is, I'm just saying that it is similar. It probably feels good. There could be some benefits to vibrating your body, but, I doubt if it's anything close to a workout. I don't know. Call me very, very skeptical.
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    I just looked at some videos related to this type of product, and with the way the product works it kinda makes sense. I remember those older machines based off of this vibration concept. They had like... a band that went around your butt? And it would like... shake your butt around or something? That always seemed pretty ridiculous. But this one is a platform that you stand on that vibrates back and forth. So it's kinda similar to sitting on an exercise ball? Cuz with an exercise ball, you have to tighten your core to stay upright. It's like that, except..... standing... and it's vibrating... *shrug*

    Anyways, I'm just sayin' that in theory it kinda seems like it should have some benefits. I have no idea if what they claim is true, what with the "10 minutes on this machine equals 1 hour running." I'm kinda skeptical about that particular claim. At best I would say that this machine should be treated as a supplement to diet and exercise, not a replacement. But I can see how it would help strengthen your core, maybe improve circulation, that kind of stuff.
  • aroetman01
    aroetman01 Posts: 9
    You can get them online (amazon, ebay, ect..) for like $200 (a lot have free shipping). im sure thats waht ill be doing