sorcier100 Member


  • I know all about having no motivation. I have one knee that was replaced and one that needs to be so every step is painful. I am trying desperately to get moving, somehow, some way, because I know that if I can take off even a few pounds it will help. It's so hard to do though when not only are you tired but in continual…
  • Can you use canned chicken on this instead of cooking the breasts? We buy the canned breast meat from Sam's and use that in a lot of things. I'm thinking this would be a great thing if substituting it wouldn't mess up the calorie content or anything too much.
  • You are not alone in this. Always remember that. As you can see from the responses we are all in this together and are rooting for each other. I know how hard it is. I have 100 lbs. to lose and sometimes it seems like a huge wall in front of me that I'll never get over. Add me and if you ever need an ear I'm a good…
  • Yay for you Jeannie! 6 pounds is a great start and I know you'll have more coming off as the weeks go by. And please share any recipes you find that are yummy. I cannot eat anything from the sea, per my doctor's instructions because I have no thyroid gland to metabolise the iodine, so I am always looking for good tasting…
  • I too have issues with this. My thyroid gland was completely burned out with radioactive iodine back in the early 90's. I have been on synthroid/levothyroxin ever since. Since our thyroid glands control our metabolism I have been told it is impossible to increase my metabolism with products so it would be much harder to…
  • thanks carrie for the livestrong link. i had a total knee replacement 4 years ago of my right knee and from the extreme pain in my left knee i have a feeling that one is going to have to be done soon too. on top of that i have heel spurs on the back of my heels that are slowly sawing through my achilles tendons. needless…