

  • I don't usually make New Year resolutions, and this really isn't a "resolution", but more of a goal: we bought Rosetta Stone Spanish last summer for my college daughter (who hasn't used it more than once) and my goal is to learn to speak Spanish fluently! It will be useful here in Iowa, but should be REALLY useful if…
  • GREAT JOB! It feels good to actually see the progress, doesn't it?! Congratulations on getting started!
  • Congratulations on being strong enough and loving yourself enough to TAKE that first step! I have been in and out of MFP for a few years now, but I feel that THIS is the year that will make a difference - I have made adjustments in other aspects of my life to help me be more motivated and to feel good enough about myself…
  • I can see your photos and WOW! It's hard for YOU to see the difference, but I can see a BIG difference! You were a gorgeous girl before, and you are even more so NOW! Happy birthday and GREAT JOB! Keep up the fantastic work!!
  • You look beautiful! Your arms are fantastic, too! Congratulations!
  • You look so fantastic! And you have GOT to be feeling so empowered! GREAT JOB!!
  • You look FANTASTIC!! Great job!!
  • Thanks for the info! I found a supplement that isn't so many pills at once, that doesn't have sulfates in it, and doesn't mess up my digestive system. I am SO good at rationalizing myself out of exercising, I need to quit thinking about it and just DO it. I answered my own question in my original post, didn't I? Suck it…
  • My breakfast is usually something like a fried egg (no butter) on a piece of 45-calorie toast with mustard, or two pieces of the same kind of bread with a teaspoon of Nutella on each. Right now my sinuses could be playing a part, as well as other various issues causing my headaches. I didn't exercise this morning and I…
  • You're right - I am not really eating before I work out and I drink a little before and during the workout (it only lasts half an hour!) but I drink the most of it after the workout. I eat my breakfast shortly after the workout, but the headache doesn't usually come on for a couple hours, but then it's there the rest of…
  • You. Are. Gorgeous!! Congratulations!
  • I agree that there is NOTHING to squash your good vibes and stop your momentum faster than going clothes shopping! I would recommend starting out in the Misses NOT the teens. Try a size 8 or 10 and work from there. ALWAYS start with the bigger size!! The Misses sizes are going to be more forgiving than teen sizes, and will…
  • You look great! Check out your face - I see a MAJOR difference in the shape of your face! And pay attention to the way your clothes fit...Keep up the hard work! It IS paying off!
  • That's fantastic! THAT is the kind of stuff we should all be worrying about, not the numbers on the scale! Congratulations! Keep up the hard work - it sure is paying off for you!
  • Check out this posting: It may help you a little and it may just confuse you more. I've followed this, and open up both sites when I'm logging my activity into MFP so I can be sure to check my FitBit pace in the…
  • yes ma'am! I'm 5'6" and 40 years old! I have struggled with my weight my whole life and was down to about 135-140 2 years ago. When I joined MFP I was at 191 and I'm at 186 now but I'm feeling hopeful! One day at a time and be sure to celebrate the little victories, too! When I make a smart food choice, I try to pat myself…
  • I used Allan Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking (book). It was the EASIEST thing I ever did. I had tried with patches and gum previously, tried cold turkey, tried weaning myself off and I ALWAYS went back. But this book changes the way you think about smoking. I wasn't crabby, I wasn't sad - I felt AMAZING! I was free at last…
  • I have a fit bit! I've been using it for a week, but I like it! It makes you a little more aware of your activity. I don't know everything it does yet, but so far I like it. You start and stop the timer when you're doing a workout and then it syncs up with MFP and you log your time and what you were doing. It tracks your…
  • That is so hard - with family you can tell them to stfu and that's fine. But someone you work with...She DOES think she means well. Perhaps calmly point out to her that while you appreciate her "pointers" and that you hope her plan works for her, you've already lost 50 pounds so this seems to be working for you. Or just…
  • Not necessarily, Natalie! I think 154 is perfectly reasonable and respectable! I've been told that BMI is actually hogwash and not to really go by that. At 154 you will keep some curves and that should be a good size 10/12, right? That will be amazing! I'm shooting for that weight right now, too, from 190. Just feel good…
  • I'm 5'6" and 40 years old. About 3 years ago, I suddenly lost 40 pounds and was down to 135. I liked that weight. I was about a size 6/8 (depending on the make of the pants) and I was just very confident and generally happy with the way I looked. (Let's face it - for someone who's been/felt overweight her whole life, there…
  • I have heard that eating frequently is how you're supposed to do it, but it can be so hard to stay on top of that! You get busy and look up and you've missed your mid-day snack and it's time for dinner! I am planning on using prep work to help me succeed - boiling the eggs ahead of time, bagging carrots that I can just…