Joint Supplements for Bad Knees

I am 40ish, 5'6", weighing 186 lbs. I used to run, but my hips were out of whack and causing me pain all the time, so I went to a chiropractor who fixed the problem, but I stopped running during treatment and haven't gotten back into it. I have always had bad knees (my mom got both her knees replaced in her 50's) but they have gotten worse as I have gained weight and gotten older. (I was down to 135 about 2 years ago, then I quit smoking and the rest is history...)

I tried taking Move Free Advanced recently, but I have a sulfa allergy and I believe I had a reaction to the Move Free (plus it isn't kind to your digestive system). Does anyone know of a different sulfate-free joint supplement? I am not to the point where I need shots in my knees or anything like that, I just want to be able to exercise.

I also am looking for exercise that won't hurt my knees - I'm starting to lean toward water aerobics, because my knees click and hurt climbing stairs (up or down), doing lunges (I love Jillian Michaels and her workouts, but the lunges KILL me), running, walking up or down hills...and my nether regions can't handle the spin classes (which hurts my back, too.) What does Jillian tell the 300-pound people she works with? They HAVE to have joint issues - does she just tell them to quit whining and suck it up and power through? :huh:

p.s. If you aren't able to make a useful suggestion, don't waste your time or my time. Kthx. :happy:


  • insane5150
    insane5150 Posts: 93 Member
    I suffer from Rehumatoid Arthritis and my knees lock up after about 1mile on the treadmill, at a 3.5mph. I can definatley sypmathize with joint problems.... I fight through my workouts that have to bearer my weight, but finish with biking, not spin class style, but at my pace.

    It really really really helps me, by stretching the joints. When I am done, I know longer have the lock up in the knees.

    What you said a guess of what Jillian Michaels might say... thats exactly what I do... suck it up and keep going, but I MUST finish with exercise bike.

    Good luck to you!!! I wish I could provide you with some magical answer to releive the pain.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    FWIW: My knee problems turned out to BE hip problems. Once I got that figured out, running was much easier.

    I should probably do joint supplements as well.
  • SharClark40
    SharClark40 Posts: 25
    Thanks for the info! I found a supplement that isn't so many pills at once, that doesn't have sulfates in it, and doesn't mess up my digestive system. I am SO good at rationalizing myself out of exercising, I need to quit thinking about it and just DO it. I answered my own question in my original post, didn't I? Suck it up, start moving and just DO IT!