nachodman Member


  • GREAT job Hannah! Keeping motivated can be difficult but you are doing great! When making changes make sure you are making changes you can live with for a lifetime. Modifiying our lifestyles is better than periodic dieting. Great work! Keep it up and keep posting your successes and milestones!
  • Keep searching for a trainer who has YOUR goals as his/her priorities. The job of a personal trainer is to get his/her client to their goal, not the goals of the trainer...I have struggled with getting back and recently I got back into the gym and am loving it. I wish you luck in your search and be sure to be up front and…
  • Keep searching for a trainer who has YOUR goals as his/her priorities. The job of a personal trainer is to get his/her client to their goal, not the goals of the trainer...I have struggled with getting back and recently I got back into the gym and am loving it. I wish you luck in your search and be sure to be up front and…
  • Look to your success and the example you will set for your children. YOU LOOK INCREDIBLE! Keep it up and you will inspire people you don't know, like me! Thanks for the motivation.:smile:
  • My main philosophy is if I can't live without it, I exercise for it! Weight loss and keeping it off is all about lifestyle change, so if you want the donut, have it , but earn it. When you make the connection between the 'junk' and how much it takes to 'earn' (via exercise) it, it may not longer be so tempting!
  • Amazing! My wife and I are embarking on a similar journey, only I need to be patient and let the inner motivation, I don't want to 'push' her into it...Great work! You both are inspiring! Whereabouts in the UK are you all? I had the pleasure of visiting York and London not too long ago...
  • Hey. PUT DOWN THAT DONUT! LOL Seriously, the key to success in this realm is to ask yourself why you are doing this? If the answer is not for your own succes, then you may be struggling with meeting someone else's goals. If you are doing this for yourself, you need to make sure you will succeed and you can start by making…
  • Very inpsiring photos...keep up the great work. You look AWESOME!
  • I am wearing pants I bought when I returned from Afghanistan in 2010 and they are loose. I lost about 3 inches from my waist while I was deployed and gained it back. Now, I am wearing those pants I bought after losing the 3 inches and they are big on me...a great victory in my mind and evidence to my self-esteem that I am…
  • May God give you the strength to see this through. I educate diabetic patients everyday and the toughest nut to crack is the one that each person CAN control their diabetes, but it is up to each person. The medical team can give advice, medications etc, but it is ultimately the choices each patient makes that either help…
  • Being hispanic and from a family with a long history of heart disease, diabetes, etc...I didn't want to end up a statistic. Furthermore, I have 2 wonderful children that I want to see grow up, graduate college, be successful and have their own kids (not right away mind you). I want to be the father that my son gets to play…
  • Some people don't know what to say and should therefore say nothing...that guy was totally out of line. I had a lady at church tell me not to lose too much or I would disappear...sometimes people clearly don't understand the struggle that comes from trying to lose weight, the struggle and the psychological effects their…
  • A woman's body is her temple and any man should respect that and if he cannot accept her the way she is, then he is not the man for her...good for you though, it is great to hear you have the confidence to do so. Don't ever lose that confidence and remember that beauty is more than skin deep, the heart, not the outer…
  • I like to add fresh pineapple, peaches, or sliced tomato with pepper sprinkled over the cottage cheese! You can also add blueberries, blackberries etc, but fresh is better as they don't have all the sugar that you find in the canned fruits...
  • mckay023: Here is some advice from the folks at the Mayo Clinic about avoiding a plateau. But first, hold off and weigh in want to have all your weight loss count...continue what you are doing and when contest time comes around, push it, but be careful, 'healthy and safe' weight loss should be limited to 2…
  • You can and WILL get through this...there will be many more but just keep telling yourself you CAN do it and remind yourself why you are doing what you are doing. Reward yourself from time to time, but you have to remember to do so in moderation. I just downed a 'My Favorit Muffin' chocolate chip muffin (>600 calories) but…
  • Every Sunday morning before eating/showering/anything. More often than that makes you obssessive about it. I go more for how I feel and how my clothes feel.
  • In my own opinion, a man is attracted to a woman physically first (say all you want, but nobody and I mean NOBODY wears their personality on their sleeve). Now, having said that, if he is not attracted to you physically, what's he doing with you? This reminds of the old joke that men marry women hoping they will change and…
  • The body will mobilize to burn fat from the most readily available sources first. For women, that is generally the breast area, for men, it is the belly. The body continues to burn from areas of most concentration to don't lose hope, you will decrease in size, but how much is not a wishes and…
  • The one thing to remember, this is NOT a diet, but a change in your lifestyle (if you want the weight loss to be permanent). So what you must ask yourself is, 'how bad do I want the junk food?' If you are willing to walk/run/swim/bike etc more to be able to eat what you want, then go for it. If you want to lose weight,…
  • It's only been a week. It will take some time to adjust and create new 'habits' (eating and physical activity). So, track what you eat, and your activity with MFP. You can also start looking at when you eat. Are you snacking while surfing the net? Watching the tele? etc. Be cognizant of the timing of your eating and you…
  • Great look great! Keep up the good work! Truly inspiring and a great example to follow!:smile:
  • We have 2, a son (12 who sometimes acts like he's 3) and a daughter (9 who thinks she's 16)...
  • The suggestions for working out during your time wiht the tele are great! I must also agree that when something is important, really important, WE MAKE TIME. Take work for example, we may not like the hours, the work itself, but we go! Why? We have to and it's IMPORTANT! Well, while work may put a roof over one's head and…
  • I love to bike (actually rode bike in to work today), run and swim...temperatures too cold to swim the back yard, much less the open gulf...The best thing about taking physio to lose weight is that you can lose weight merely by just avoiding the couch! Get out and just do something, everyday, that you enjoy. Do you like to…
  • Woollylittel, A few things come to mind. Do you lick your lips more than the average person? With words like loo and wee, I am going to assume you are in Europe? What is the weather like? Cold temperatures tend to have drier air, when combined with licking your lips, the enzymes in saliva (for digestion, like amylase) are…
  • I have recently started using MFP and riding (spinning when weather doesn't permit) and in the past 2 weeks I have lost about 5 pounds. I find that it can be a bit daunting to stick to a rigid plan, so I do this. I concentrate on why I am doing this. I am doing this for my health, to be a better example for my children and…
  • Has some recipes that are delicious and believe it or not, very healthy. The key is that most diabetic diets are just that, healthy, well-balanced, nutrient-dense, low-calorie, low-fat meals. This web page will even produce the shopping list for…