Alisonsapp Member


  • Khall - No - 1200 calories per day is what MFP works out you need, on a sedentary lifestyle. So if you want to lose weight, then you have to expend MORE calories than you take in. If you Take in (Eat) 1200 calories, and you USE 1200 calories (eg on a normal day), then your weight will stay the same. But if you 'EARN' extra…
  • Two things: 1. Your daily activities level should be based on how you spend the majority of the day - for example, I work on a computer all day, and have mine set to Sedentary, even though outside of work, I dont sit down much (having 2 kids to look after in the evenings, and the usual housework etc aswell on the…
  • I'm looking for someone to keep me accountable, and chat with too - Ive been doing MFP for about a month, and have lost about 4lbs so far. My hard days are actually the days I exercise, because I get hungry and then want to eat my extra calories I've *earned*, which kinda defeats the purpose of exercising to lose weight! I…