luv4ayden Member


  • Hi there! I am 29 and only have 8 months until my 30th birthday. Started a little late cause I've been slacking, but my goal is also to get into shape before I hit my 30's!! I used to be into martial arts and a runner a few years back but because of asthma (and general laziness) I've been out of the game for quite some…
  • Also new here! Hoping for a fresh start with good support... Good luck with everything!
  • I know the feeling!! It's nice to have a support system and I could use the same! Adding you & good luck on your journey!
  • Hi Tina! I'm new here too...also working on my BA, have a kiddo, and working full-time. Also think this is the best site I've come across. Good luck with everything! :)
  • <---- My emotional handful of a pitbull Honey... she is a rescue and the sweetest pooch I've come across but also the most emotional dog I've ever met... I have a nice hole in my bathroom door courtesy of her! I also have a terrier mix named Wallace... filled with mischief and has a small man complex, but both are like…
    in dogs Comment by luv4ayden January 2013