Brand new member

Hi. My name is Tina and I am new to the site. I am also a member of another site, but so far this one seems to be much more user friendly, for me anyway. I look forward to making friends and increasing my fitness level and health. I may not be on the message boards a lot due to I just started working on my BA and taking 3 classes, working full time and having a family is my life right now!


  • tigersteph80
    tigersteph80 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi Tina,
    Good luck with your weight loss journey! And with your schooling!!
  • trhops
    trhops Posts: 295 Member
    Been there done that. I had a family and was working full time and going to school at night. I ended up with 3 Associate degrees, a Bachelor and a Master's. I now teach part time at a University, along with my full time job so I understand the busy life!

    Lots of great support on here. I am not always on here everyday, but feel free to add me!
  • luv4ayden
    luv4ayden Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Tina! I'm new here too...also working on my BA, have a kiddo, and working full-time. Also think this is the best site I've come across. Good luck with everything! :)