New and Need Support

I started MFP today with a goal of losing 20 pounds for my birthday in April. I don't really have a reliable support group with friends or family because most of them do not have weight issues and do not understand. With or without support, I'm determined to reach my goal and feel great on my birthday. =) I will try and encourage and support anyone who is determined to take this journey with me regardless of your weight goals or amounts.


  • randilynn113
    randilynn113 Posts: 227 Member
    This is a great site for motivation and support - I sent a request!
  • Hiya and welcome , you have come to the right place good luck
  • Sirref0275
    Sirref0275 Posts: 31 Member
    Would love to help if you want to add me Steve
  • monkeybuddha
    monkeybuddha Posts: 33 Member
    Hi, I'm pretty new here too and have a really similar goal - 18lbs for my birthday in April! Will send you a request :)
  • mlb2661
    mlb2661 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey, Been using this App for a while. Love the fact that you can use bar codes to add food. Add me, and defiantly add me if you are from Gardner Area of Mass. Always looking for workout/walking partners.
  • olsondre
    olsondre Posts: 198 Member
    You and anyone else can add me! I will offer support
  • luv4ayden
    luv4ayden Posts: 6 Member
    Also new here! Hoping for a fresh start with good support... Good luck with everything!
  • I started MFP today with a goal of losing 20 pounds for my birthday in April. I don't really have a reliable support group with friends or family because most of them do not have weight issues and do not understand. With or without support, I'm determined to reach my goal and feel great on my birthday. =) I will try and encourage and support anyone who is determined to take this journey with me regardless of your weight goals or amounts.

    I'm here for you!! I'll send you a request!
  • HI! I have rejoined after a while away and have a pretty similar goal! Going on vacation in April and would love to be 20lbs lighter. I'll send you a friend request :) Please add me too!
  • Well Good Luck. I am new here too and not sure how and if I will use this blog site. we will see.